Source code for shakenbreak.plotting

Module containing functions to plot distorted defect relaxation outputs and identify
energy-lowering distortions.

import contextlib
import datetime
import os
import shutil
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from doped.utils.plotting import format_defect_name
from matplotlib import font_manager
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

from shakenbreak import analysis

MODULE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

def _install_custom_font():
    """Check if SnB custom font has been installed, and install it otherwise."""
    # Find where matplotlib stores its True Type fonts
    mpl_data_dir = os.path.dirname(mpl.matplotlib_fname())
    mpl_fonts_dir = os.path.join(mpl_data_dir, "fonts", "ttf")
    custom_fonts = [
        for font in font_manager.findSystemFonts(fontpaths=mpl_fonts_dir, fontext="ttf")
        if "montserrat" in font.lower()
    if not custom_fonts:  # If custom hasn't been installed, install it
        print("Trying to install ShakeNBreak custom font...")
            # Copy the font file to matplotlib's True Type font directory
            fonts_dir = MODULE_DIR
            ttf_fonts = [file_name for file_name in os.listdir(fonts_dir) if ".ttf" in file_name]
                for font in ttf_fonts:  # must be in ttf format for matplotlib
                    old_path = os.path.join(fonts_dir, font)
                    new_path = os.path.join(mpl_fonts_dir, font)
                    shutil.copyfile(old_path, new_path)
                    print("Copying " + old_path + " -> " + new_path)
                if not ttf_fonts:
                    print(f"No ttf fonts found in the {fonts_dir} directory.")
            except Exception:

            # Try to delete matplotlib's fontList cache
            mpl_cache_dir = mpl.get_cachedir()
            mpl_cache_dir_ls = os.listdir(mpl_cache_dir)
            for file_name in mpl_cache_dir_ls:
                if "fontlist" in file_name.lower():
                    fontList_path = os.path.join(mpl_cache_dir, file_name)
                    if os.path.exists(fontList_path):
                        print("Deleted the matplotlib fontList cache.")
            if not any("fontlist" in file_name.lower() for file_name in mpl_cache_dir_ls):
                print("Couldn't find matplotlib cache, so will continue.")

            # Add font to MAtplotlib Fontmanager
            for font in ttf_fonts:
                print(f"Adding {font} font to matplotlib fonts.")

        except Exception:
                "An issue occured while installing the custom font for ShakeNBreak. The widely available "
                "Helvetica font will be used instead."

def _get_backend(save_format: str) -> Optional[str]:
    """Try use pycairo as backend if installed, and save_format is pdf."""
    backend = None
    if "pdf" in save_format:
            import cairo  # noqa: F401

            backend = "cairo"
        except ImportError:
                "pycairo not installed. Defaulting to matplotlib's pdf backend, so default "
                "ShakeNBreak fonts may not be used -- try setting `save_format` to 'png' or "
                "`pip install pycairo` if you want ShakeNBreak's default font."
    return backend

# Helper functions for formatting plots
def _verify_data_directories_exist(
    output_path: str,
    defect_species: str,
) -> None:
    """Check top-level directory (e.g. `output_path`) and defect folders exist."""
    # Check directories and input
    if not os.path.isdir(output_path):  # if output_path does not exist, raise error
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Path {output_path} does not exist! Skipping {defect_species}.")
    if not os.path.isdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}"):  # check if defect directory exists
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"Path {output_path}/{defect_species} does not exist! Skipping {defect_species}."

def _parse_distortion_metadata(distortion_metadata, defect, charge) -> tuple:
    Parse the number and type of distorted nearest neighbours for a
    given defect from the distortion_metadata dictionary.
    if defect in distortion_metadata["defects"]:
            # Get number and element symbol of the distorted site(s)
            num_nearest_neighbours = distortion_metadata["defects"][defect]["charges"][str(charge)][
            ]  # get number of distorted neighbours
        except KeyError:
            num_nearest_neighbours = None
            neighbour_atoms = [  # get element of the distorted site
                i[1]  # element symbol
                for i in distortion_metadata["defects"][defect]["charges"][str(charge)]["distorted_atoms"]

            if all(element == neighbour_atoms[0] for element in neighbour_atoms):
                neighbour_atom = neighbour_atoms[0]
                neighbour_atom = "NN"  # if different elements were
                # distorted, just use nearest neighbours (NN) for label

        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
            neighbour_atom = (
                "NN"  # if distorted_elements wasn't set, set label
                # to "NN"
        num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom = None, None
    return num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom

def _cast_energies_to_floats(
    energies_dict: dict,
    defect_species: str,
) -> dict:
    If values of the `energies_dict` are not floats, convert them to floats.
    If any problem encountered during conversion, raise ValueError.

        energies_dict (:obj:`dict`):
            Dictionary matching distortion to final energy (eV), as produced by
            `_organize_data()` or `analysis.get_energies()`)..
        defect_species (:obj:`str`):
            Defect name including charge (e.g. 'vac_1_Cd_0')

        energies_dict (:obj:`dict`):
            Dictionary matching distortion to final energy (eV), with all energy
            values as floats.
    if not all(
        isinstance(energy, float) for energy in list(energies_dict["distortions"].values())
    ) or not isinstance(energies_dict["Unperturbed"], float):
        # check energies_dict values are floats
            energies_dict["distortions"] = {k: float(v) for k, v in energies_dict["distortions"].items()}
            energies_dict["Unperturbed"] = float(energies_dict["Unperturbed"])
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Values of energies_dict are not floats! Skipping {defect_species}."
            ) from exc
    return energies_dict

def _change_energy_units_to_meV(
    energies_dict: dict,
    max_energy_above_unperturbed: float,
    y_label: str,
) -> Tuple[dict, float, str]:
    Converts energy values from eV to meV and format y label accordingly.

        energies_dict (dict):
            dictionary with energy values for all distortions
        max_energy_above_unperturbed (float):
            maximum energy value above unperturbed defect
        y_label (str):
            label for y axis

        Tuple[dict, float, str]: (max_energy_above_unperturbed, energies_dict, y_label)
        with energy values in meV
    if "meV" not in y_label:
        y_label = y_label.replace("eV", "meV")
    if max_energy_above_unperturbed < 4:  # assume eV
        max_energy_above_unperturbed = max_energy_above_unperturbed * 1000  # convert to meV
    for key in energies_dict["distortions"]:  # convert to meV
        energies_dict["distortions"][key] = energies_dict["distortions"][key] * 1000
    energies_dict["Unperturbed"] = energies_dict["Unperturbed"] * 1000
    return energies_dict, max_energy_above_unperturbed, y_label

def _purge_data_dicts(
    disp_dict: dict,
    energies_dict: dict,
) -> Tuple[dict, dict]:
    Purges dictionaries of displacements and energies so that they are consistent
    (i.e. contain data for same distortions).
    To achieve this, it removes any data point from disp_dict if its energy is not
    in the energy dict (this may be due to relaxation not converged).

        disp_dict (dict):
            dictionary with displacements (for each structure relative to
            Unperturbed), in the output format of
        energies_dict (dict):
            dictionary with final energies (for each structure relative to ¡
            Unperturbed), in the output format of `analysis.get_energies()` or

        Tuple[dict, dict]: Consistent dictionaries of displacements and energies,
        containing data for same distortions.
    for key in list(disp_dict.keys()):
        if (
            (key not in energies_dict["distortions"] and key != "Unperturbed")
            or disp_dict[key] == "Not converged"
            or disp_dict[key] is None
        ) and key not in energies_dict[
        ]:  # remove it from disp and energy dicts

    return disp_dict, energies_dict

def _remove_high_energy_points(
    energies_dict: dict,
    max_energy_above_unperturbed: float,
    disp_dict: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Tuple[dict, dict]:
    Remove points whose energy is higher than the reference (Unperturbed) by
    more than `max_energy_above_unperturbed`.

        energies_dict (:obj:`dict`):
            Dictionary matching distortion to final energy (eV), as produced by
            `analysis._organize_data()` or `analysis.get_energies()`
        max_energy_above_unperturbed (:obj:`float`):
            Maximum energy (in chosen `units`), relative to the unperturbed
            structure, to show on plot
        disp_dict (:obj:`dict`):
            Dictionary matching distortion to sum of atomic displacements, as
            produced by `analysis.calculate_struct_comparison()`
            (Default: None)

        Tuple[dict, dict]: energies_dict, disp_dict
    for key in list(energies_dict["distortions"].keys()):
        # remove high energy points
        if energies_dict["distortions"][key] - energies_dict["Unperturbed"] > max_energy_above_unperturbed:
            if disp_dict and key in disp_dict:  # only exists if user selected `add_colorbar=True`
    return energies_dict, disp_dict

def _get_displacement_dict(
    defect_species: str,
    output_path: str,
    metric: str,
    energies_dict: dict,
    add_colorbar: bool,
    code: Optional[str] = "vasp",
) -> Tuple[bool, dict, dict]:
    Parses structures of `defect_species` to calculate displacements between each
    of them and the reference configuration (Unperturbed). These displacements
    are stored in a dictionary matching distortion key to displacement value.
    Then, ensures `energies_dict` and `disp_dict` are consistent (same keys),
    and makes them consistent otherwise.
    If any problems encountered when parsing or calculating structural
    similarity, warning will be raised and `add_colorbar` will be set to False.

        defect_species (:obj:`str`):
            Defect name including charge (e.g. 'vac_1_Cd_0')
        output_path (:obj:`str`):
            Path to directory with your distorted defect calculations (to
            calculate structure comparisons)
            (Default: current directory)
        metric (:obj:`str`):
            If add_colorbar is True, determines the criteria used for the
            structural comparison. Can choose between root-mean-squared
            displacement for all sites ('disp') or the
            maximum distance between matched sites ('max_dist', default).
            (Default: 'max_dist')
        energies_dict (:obj:`dict`):
            Dictionary matching distortion to final energy (eV), as produced by
            `_organize_data()` or `analysis.get_energies()`)
        add_colorbar (:obj:`bool`):
            Whether to add a colorbar indicating structural similarity between
            each structure and the unperturbed one.
        code (:obj:`str`, optional):
            Code used for the geometry relaxations. Valid code names are:
            "vasp", "espresso", "cp2k" and "fhi-aims" (case insensitive).
            (Default: "vasp")

        Tuple[bool, dict, dict]: tuple of `add_colorbar`, `energies_dict` and
        defect_structs = analysis.get_structures(
        disp_dict = analysis.calculate_struct_comparison(
            defect_structs, metric=metric
        )  # calculate sum of atomic displacements and maximum displacement between paired sites
        if disp_dict:  # if struct_comparison algorithms worked (sometimes struggles matching lattices)
            disp_dict, energies_dict = _purge_data_dicts(
            )  # make disp and energies dict consistent by removing any data point
            # if its energy is not in the energy dict and viceversa
                "Structure comparison algorithm struggled matching lattices. "
                "Colorbar will not be added to plot."
            add_colorbar = False
            return add_colorbar, energies_dict, None
    except FileNotFoundError:  # raised by analysis.get_structures() if
        # defect_directory or distortion subdirectories do not exist
            f"Could not find structures for {output_path}/{defect_species}. "
            "Colorbar will not be added to plot."
        add_colorbar = False
        return add_colorbar, energies_dict, None
    return add_colorbar, energies_dict, disp_dict

def _format_datapoints_from_other_chargestates(
    energies_dict: dict, disp_dict: Optional[dict] = None
) -> tuple:
    Format distortions keys of the energy lowering distortions imported from
    other charge states.

        energies_dict (dict):
            Dictionary matching distortion to final energy.
        disp_dict (Optional[dict], optional):
            Dictionary matching distortion to displacement value.
            Defaults to None.

        tuple: imported_indices, sorted_distortions, sorted_energies,
        sorted_disp (if disp_dict is not None)
    # Store indices of imported structures ("X%_from_Y") to plot differently later
    # comparison
    imported_indices = []
    imported_energies = []
    for i, entry in enumerate(energies_dict["distortions"].keys()):
        if isinstance(entry, str) and "_from_" in entry:

    # Reformat any "X%_from_Y" or "Rattled_from_Y" distortions to corresponding
    # (X) distortion factor or 0.0 for "Rattled"
    keys = []
    for entry in energies_dict["distortions"]:
        if isinstance(entry, str) and "%_from_" in entry:
            keys.append(float(entry.split("%")[0]) / 100)
        elif isinstance(entry, str) and ("Rattled_from_" in entry or "Dimer_from_" in entry):
            keys.append(0.0)  # Rattled and Dimer will be plotted at x = 0.0
        elif entry == "Rattled" or entry == "Dimer":  # add 0.0 for Rattled
            # (to avoid problems when sorting distortions)

    if disp_dict:
        # Sort displacements in same order as distortions and energies,
        # for proper color mapping
        sorted_disp = [disp_dict[k] for k in energies_dict["distortions"] if k in disp_dict]
        # Save the values of the displacements from *other charge states*
        # As the displacements will be re-sorted -> we'll need to
        # find the index of t
        disps_from_other_charges = (sorted_disp[i] for i in imported_indices)
            # sort keys and values
            sorted_distortions, sorted_energies, resorted_disp = zip(
                *sorted(zip(keys, energies_dict["distortions"].values(), sorted_disp))
            # Indexes of the displacements values for other charge states
            # We need both the indexes for the unsorted lists
            # and for the sorted ones
            imported_indices = {  # unsorted_index: sorted_index
                unsorted_index: resorted_disp.index(d)
                for unsorted_index, d in zip(imported_indices, disps_from_other_charges)
            return (
        except ValueError:  # if keys and energies_dict["distortions"] are empty
            # (i.e. the only distortion is Rattled)
            return {}, [], None, None, None
    # Sort keys and values
        sorted_distortions, sorted_energies = zip(
            *sorted(zip(keys, energies_dict["distortions"].values()))
        imported_indices = {  # unsorted_index: sorted_index
            unsorted_index: sorted_energies.index(d)
            for unsorted_index, d in zip(imported_indices, imported_energies)
        return imported_indices, keys, sorted_distortions, sorted_energies
    except ValueError:  # if keys and energies_dict["distortions"] are empty
        # (i.e. the only distortion is Rattled)
        return [], [], None, None

def _save_plot(
    fig: plt.Figure,
    defect_name: str,
    output_path: str,
    save_format: str,
    verbose: bool = False,
) -> None:
    Save plot in the defect directory.

    If defect directory not present/recognised, save to cwd.
    If previous saved plots with the same name exist, rename
    to <defect>_<datetime>.<format> to prevent overwriting.

        fig (:obj:`mpl.figure.Figure`):
            mpl.figure.Figure object to save.
        defect_name (:obj:`str`):
            Defect name that will be used as file name and for identifying defect folder.
        output_path (:obj:`str`):
            Path to top-level directory containing the defect directory (in which to save the plot).
        save_format (:obj:`str`):
            Format to save the plot as, given as string.
        verbose (:obj:`bool`, optional):
            Whether to print information about the saved plot. Defaults to True.

    # Locate defect directory; either subfolder in output_path or cwd
    defect_dir = os.path.join(output_path, defect_name)
    if not os.path.isdir(defect_dir):
        defect_dir = output_path

    plot_filepath = f"{os.path.join(defect_dir, defect_name)}.{save_format}"
    # If plot already exists, rename to <defect>_<datetime>.<format>
    if os.path.exists(plot_filepath):
        current_datetime ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")  # keep copy of old plot file
            f"{os.path.join(defect_dir, defect_name)}_{current_datetime}.{save_format}",
        if verbose:
                f"Previous version of {os.path.basename(plot_filepath)} found in "
                f"output_path: '{os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(plot_filepath))}/'. Will rename "
                f"old plot to {defect_name}_{current_datetime}.{save_format}."

    # use pycairo as backend if installed and save_format is pdf:
    backend = _get_backend(save_format)

    if verbose:
            f"Plot saved to {os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(plot_filepath))}"

def _format_ticks(
    ax: mpl.axes.Axes,
    energies_list: list,
) -> mpl.axes.Axes:
    Format axis ticks of distortion plots and set limits of y axis.
    For the y-axis (energies), show number with:
    - 1 decimal point if energy range is higher than 0.4 eV,
    - 3 decimal points if energy range is smaller than 0.1 eV,
    - 2 decimal points otherwise.

        ax (obj:`mpl.axes.Axes`):
            matplotlib.axes.Axes of figure to format
        energies_list (:obj:`list`):
            List of y (energy) values

        mpl.axes.Axes: Formatted axes
    energy_range = max(energies_list) - min(energies_list)

    tick_interval = None
    if energy_range > 0.3:
        tick_interval = 0.1
    if energy_range > 0.6:
        tick_interval = 0.2
    if energy_range > 1.5:
        tick_interval = 0.5
    if energy_range > 2.5:
        # probably something wrong... revert to default
        tick_interval = None

    ylim_lower = min(energies_list) - 0.1 * energy_range  # default lower limit

    if tick_interval:  # set locator to tick_interval
        loc = mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(base=tick_interval)
        # want the bottom tick to be no more thant (5%)*energy_range above the minimum energy to
        # allow easy visual estimation of energy lowering and scale:
        if (min(energies_list) + 0.05 * energy_range) // tick_interval == ylim_lower // tick_interval:
            # means bottom tick is at or above the minimum energy
            ylim_lower = min(energies_list) - tick_interval

    else:  # set locator to default (either <0.1 eV or >2.5 eV energy difference)
        loc = mpl.ticker.AutoLocator()  # default locator


    # Limits for y axis:
        top=max(energies_list) + 0.1 * energy_range,
    )  # add some extra space to avoid cutting off some data points
    # (e.g. using the energy range here in case units are meV)

    return ax

def _format_axis(
    ax: mpl.axes.Axes,
    defect_name: str,
    y_label: str,
    num_nearest_neighbours: Optional[int],
    neighbour_atom: Optional[str],
) -> mpl.axes.Axes:
    Format and set axis labels and locators of distortion plots.

        ax (:obj:`mpl.axes.Axes`):
            current matplotlib.axes.Axes
        defect_name (:obj:`str`):
            name of defect (e.g. 'vac_1_Cd_0')
        y_label (:obj:`str`):
            label for y axis
        num_nearest_neighbours (:obj:`int`):
            number of distorted nearest neighbours
        neighbour_atom (:obj:`str`):
            element symbol of distorted nearest neighbour

        mpl.axes.Axes: axes with formatted labels
    if num_nearest_neighbours and neighbour_atom and defect_name:
        x_label = (
            f"Bond Distortion Factor (for {num_nearest_neighbours} "
            f"{neighbour_atom} near {defect_name})"
    elif num_nearest_neighbours and defect_name:
        x_label = f"Bond Distortion Factor (for {num_nearest_neighbours} NN near {defect_name})"
        x_label = "Bond Distortion Factor"
    # Format axis locators
    return ax

def _get_line_colors(number_of_colors: int) -> list:
    Get list of colors for plotting several lines.

        number_of_colors (int):
            Number of colors.

    if 11 > number_of_colors > 1:
        # If user didnt specify colors and more than one color needed,
        # use deep color palette
        colors = sns.color_palette("deep", 10)
    elif number_of_colors > 11:  # otherwise use colormap
        colors = list(
  "viridis", number_of_colors + 1).colors
        )  # +1 to avoid yellow color (which is at the end of the colormap)
        colors = [
        ]  # Turquoise by default
    return colors

def _setup_colormap(
    disp_dict: dict,
) -> Tuple[mpl.colors.Colormap, float, float, float, mpl.colors.Normalize]:
    Setup colormap to measure structural similarity between structures.

        disp_dict (:obj: `dict`):
            dictionary mapping distortion key to structural similarity between
            the associated structure and the reference structure.

        Tuple[mpl.colors.Colormap, float, float, float, mpl.colors.Normalize]:
        colormap, vmin, vmedium, vmax, norm
    array_disp = np.array(
        [val for val in disp_dict.values() if isinstance(val, float)]
    )  # ignore "Not converged" or None values
    colormap = sns.cubehelix_palette(start=0.65, rot=-0.992075, dark=0.2755, light=0.7205, as_cmap=True)
    # colormap extremes, mapped to min and max displacements
    vmin = round(min(array_disp), 1)
    vmax = round(max(array_disp), 1)
    vmedium = round((vmin + vmax) / 2, 1)
    norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=False)
    return colormap, vmin, vmedium, vmax, norm

def _format_colorbar(
    fig: mpl.figure.Figure,
    ax: mpl.axes.Axes,
    metric: str,
    vmin: float,
    vmax: float,
    vmedium: float,
    norm: mpl.colors.Normalize,
    cmap: mpl.colors.Colormap,
) -> mpl.figure.Figure.colorbar:
    Format colorbar of plot.

        fig (:obj:`mpl.figure.Figure`):
            matplotlib.figure.Figure object
        ax (:obj:`mpl.axes.Axes`):
            current matplotlib.axes.Axes object
        metric (:obj:`str`):
            metric to be plotted: "disp" or "max_dist"
        vmin (:obj:`float`):
            tick label for the colorbar
        vmax (:obj:`float`):
            tick label for the colorbar
        vmedium (:obj:`float`):
            tick label for the colorbar
        norm (:obj:`mpl.colors.Normalize`):
            normalization for the colorbar
        cmap (:obj:`mpl.colors.Colormap`):
            colormap for the colorbar

        cbar (:obj:`mpl.colorbar.Colorbar`)
    cbar = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap),
    if metric == "disp":
        cmap_label = r"$\Sigma$ Disp $(\AA)$"
    elif metric == "max_dist":
        cmap_label = r"$d_{max}$ $(\AA)$", size="medium", loc="center", ha="center", va="center", pad=20.5)
    if vmin != vmax:
        cbar.set_ticks([vmin, vmedium, vmax])
        cbar.set_ticklabels([vmin, vmedium, vmax])
    return cbar

# Main plotting functions:
[docs] def plot_all_defects( defect_charges_dict: dict, output_path: str = ".", add_colorbar: bool = False, metric: str = "max_dist", max_energy_above_unperturbed: float = 0.5, units: str = "eV", min_e_diff: float = 0.05, line_color: Optional[str] = None, add_title: Optional[bool] = True, save_plot: bool = True, save_format: str = "png", verbose: bool = False, close_figures: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Convenience function to quickly analyse a range of defects and identify those which undergo energy-lowering distortions. Args: defect_charges_dict (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary matching defect names to lists of their charge states. (e.g {"Int_Sb_1": [0,+1,+2]} etc) output_path (:obj:`str`): Path to top-level directory with your distorted defect calculations and distortion_metadata.json file. (Default: current directory) add_colorbar (:obj:`bool`): Whether to add a colorbar indicating structural similarity between each structure and the unperturbed one. (Default: False) metric (:obj:`str`): If add_colorbar is set to True, metric defines the criteria for structural comparison. Can choose between root-mean-squared displacement for all sites ('disp') or the maximum distance between matched sites ('max_dist', default). (Default: "max_dist") max_energy_above_unperturbed (:obj:`float`): Maximum energy (in chosen `units`), relative to the unperturbed structure, to show on the plot. (Default: 0.5 eV) units (:obj:`str`): Units for energy, either "eV" or "meV". (Default: "eV") min_e_diff (:obj:`float`): Minimum energy difference (in eV) between the ground-state defect structure and the `Unperturbed` structure to generate the distortion plot. (Default: 0.05 eV) line_color (:obj:`str`): Color of the line connecting points. (Default: ShakeNBreak base style) add_title (:obj:`bool`): Whether to add a title to the plot. By default, the title is the formatted defect name (i.e. V$_{Cd}^{0}$). (Default: True) save_plot (:obj:`bool`): Whether to plot the results or not. (Default: True) save_format (:obj:`str`): Format to save the plot as. (Default: 'png') verbose (:obj:`bool`): Whether to print information about the plots (warnings and where they're saved). close_figures (:obj:`bool`): Whether to close matplotlib figures after saving them, to reduce memory usage. Recommended to use if plotting many defects at once, in which case figures will be saved to disk and not displayed. (Default: False) Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary of {Defect Species (Name & Charge): Energy vs Distortion Plot} """ if not os.path.isdir(output_path): # check if output_path exists raise FileNotFoundError(f"Path {output_path} does not exist!") try: distortion_metadata = analysis._read_distortion_metadata(output_path=output_path) except FileNotFoundError: # check if any defect_species folders have distortion_metadata.json files defect_species_list = [ f"{defect}_{format_charge}" for defect in defect_charges_dict for charge in defect_charges_dict[defect] for format_charge in [charge, f"+{charge}"] ] # allow for defect species names with "+" sign (in SnB > 3.1) distortion_metadata_list = [ analysis._read_distortion_metadata(output_path=os.path.join(output_path, defect_species)) for defect_species in defect_species_list if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(output_path, defect_species, "distortion_metadata.json")) ] if distortion_metadata_list: distortion_metadata = distortion_metadata_list else: if verbose: warnings.warn( f"Path {output_path}/distortion_metadata.json does not exist, " f"and distortion_metadata.json files not found in defect folders. Will not parse its " f"contents (to specify which neighbour atoms were distorted in plot text)." ) distortion_metadata = None defects_to_plot = {} for defect, value in defect_charges_dict.items(): for charge in value: defect_species = f"{defect}_{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}" # Parse energies if not os.path.isdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}"): if os.path.isdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species.replace('+', '')}"): defect_species = defect_species.replace("+", "") else: warnings.warn( f"Path {output_path}/{defect_species} does not exist! Skipping {defect_species}." ) # if defect directory doesn't exist, skip defect continue energies_file = f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{defect_species}.yaml" if not os.path.exists(energies_file): warnings.warn( f"Path {energies_file} does not exist. Skipping {defect_species}." ) # skip defect continue energies_dict, energy_diff, gs_distortion = analysis._sort_data(energies_file, verbose=False) if not energy_diff: # if Unperturbed calc is not converged, warn user warnings.warn( f"Unperturbed calculation for {defect}_{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge} not " f"converged! Skipping plot." ) continue # If a significant energy lowering was found, then further analyse this defect if float(-1 * energy_diff) > abs(min_e_diff): # energy_diff is negative if energy is lowered if verbose: print( f"Energy lowering distortion found for {defect} with " f"charge {'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}. Generating distortion plot..." ) if distortion_metadata and isinstance(distortion_metadata, list): # try load directly from defect folder first: with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): single_distortion_metadata = analysis._read_distortion_metadata( output_path=f"{output_path}/{defect_species}" ) ( num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom, ) = _parse_distortion_metadata(single_distortion_metadata, defect, charge) if num_nearest_neighbours is None: # try pull from one of distortion_metadata_list for distortion_metadata_dict in distortion_metadata: ( num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom, ) = _parse_distortion_metadata(distortion_metadata_dict, defect, charge) if num_nearest_neighbours: break if distortion_metadata and isinstance(distortion_metadata, dict): num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom = _parse_distortion_metadata( distortion_metadata, defect, charge ) elif distortion_metadata is None: num_nearest_neighbours = None neighbour_atom = None defects_to_plot[defect_species] = { "energies_dict": energies_dict, "num_nearest_neighbours": num_nearest_neighbours, "neighbour_atom": neighbour_atom, } return { defect_species: plot_defect( defect_species=defect_species, energies_dict=info_dict.get("energies_dict"), output_path=output_path, neighbour_atom=info_dict.get("neighbour_atom"), num_nearest_neighbours=info_dict.get("num_nearest_neighbours"), add_colorbar=add_colorbar, metric=metric, units=units, max_energy_above_unperturbed=max_energy_above_unperturbed, line_color=line_color, add_title=add_title, save_plot=save_plot, save_format=save_format, verbose=verbose, close_figure=close_figures, ) for defect_species, info_dict in defects_to_plot.items() }
[docs] def plot_defect( defect_species: str, energies_dict: dict, output_path: Optional[str] = ".", neighbour_atom: Optional[str] = None, num_nearest_neighbours: Optional[int] = None, add_colorbar: Optional[bool] = False, metric: Optional[str] = "max_dist", max_energy_above_unperturbed: Optional[float] = 0.5, include_site_info_in_name: Optional[bool] = False, y_label: Optional[str] = "Energy (eV)", add_title: Optional[bool] = True, line_color: Optional[str] = None, units: Optional[str] = "eV", save_plot: Optional[bool] = True, save_format: Optional[str] = "png", verbose: bool = False, close_figure: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Figure]: """ Convenience function to plot energy vs distortion for a defect, to identify any energy-lowering distortions. Args: defect_species (:obj:`str`): Defect name including charge (e.g. 'vac_1_Cd_0') energies_dict (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary matching distortion to final energy (eV), as produced by `_organize_data()` or `analysis.get_energies()`) output_path (:obj:`str`): Path to top-level directory with your distorted defect calculations (to calculate structure comparisons and save plots) (Default: current directory) neighbour_atom (:obj:`str`): Name(s) of distorted neighbour atoms (e.g. 'Cd'). If not specified, will be parsed from distortion_metadata.json file. (Default: None) num_nearest_neighbours (:obj:`int`): Number of distorted neighbour atoms (e.g. 2). If not specified, will be parsed from distortion_metadata.json file. (Default: None) add_colorbar (:obj:`bool`): Whether to add a colorbar indicating structural similarity between each structure and the unperturbed one. (Default: False) metric (:obj:`str`): If add_colorbar is True, determines the criteria used for the structural comparison. Can choose between the summed of atomic displacements ('disp') or the maximum distance between matched sites ('max_dist', default). (Default: "max_dist") max_energy_above_unperturbed (:obj:`float`): Maximum energy (in chosen `units`), relative to the unperturbed structure, to show on the plot. (Default: 0.5 eV) units (:obj:`str`): Units for energy, either "eV" or "meV". (Default: "eV") include_site_info_in_name (:obj:`bool`): Whether to include the site info (i.e. point group symbol and possibly nearest neighbour info, as generated by doped) in the defect name. Useful for materials with many symmetry-inequivalent sites. (Default: False) y_label (:obj:`str`): Y axis label (Default: "Energy (eV)") add_title (:obj:`bool`): Whether to add a title to the plot. By default, the title is the formatted defect name (i.e. V$_{Cd}^{0}$). (Default: True) line_color (:obj:`str`): Color of the line connecting points. (Default: ShakeNBreak base style) save_plot (:obj:`bool`): Whether to save the plot as an SVG file. (Default: True) save_format (:obj:`str`): Format to save the plot as. (Default: "png") verbose (:obj:`bool`): Whether to print information about the plot (warnings and where it's saved). close_figure (:obj:`bool`): Whether to close matplotlib figure after saving, to reduce memory usage. Recommended to use if plotting many defects at once, in which case figure will be saved to disk and not displayed. (Default: False) Returns: :obj:`mpl.figure.Figure`: Energy vs distortion plot, as a mpl.figure.Figure object """ # Ensure necessary directories exist, and raise error if not try: _verify_data_directories_exist(output_path=output_path, defect_species=defect_species) except FileNotFoundError: if add_colorbar: warnings.warn( f"Cannot add colorbar to plot for {defect_species} as {output_path}/" f"{defect_species} cannot be found." ) add_colorbar = False if "Unperturbed" not in energies_dict: # check if unperturbed energies exist warnings.warn( f"Unperturbed energy not present in energies_dict of {defect_species}! Skipping plot." ) return None # If not specified, try to parse from distortion_metadata.json file if not neighbour_atom and not num_nearest_neighbours: try: try: distortion_metadata = analysis._read_distortion_metadata(output_path=output_path) except FileNotFoundError: distortion_metadata = analysis._read_distortion_metadata( output_path=f"{output_path}/{defect_species}" # if user moved file ) if distortion_metadata: num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom = _parse_distortion_metadata( distortion_metadata=distortion_metadata, defect=defect_species.rsplit("_", 1)[0], charge=defect_species.rsplit("_", 1)[1], ) except FileNotFoundError: if verbose: warnings.warn( f"Path {output_path}/distortion_metadata.json or {output_path}/" f"{defect_species}/distortion_metadata.json not found. Will not parse " f"its contents (to specify which neighbour atoms were distorted in plot text)." ) energies_dict = _cast_energies_to_floats( energies_dict=energies_dict, defect_species=defect_species ) # ensure all energy values are floats, otherwise cast them to floats if add_colorbar: # then get structures and calculate structural similarity add_colorbar, energies_dict, disp_dict = _get_displacement_dict( defect_species=defect_species, output_path=output_path, add_colorbar=add_colorbar, metric=metric, energies_dict=energies_dict, ) if units == "meV": ( energies_dict, max_energy_above_unperturbed, y_label, ) = _change_energy_units_to_meV( energies_dict=energies_dict, max_energy_above_unperturbed=max_energy_above_unperturbed, y_label=y_label, ) # convert energy units from eV to meV, and update y label energies_dict, disp_dict = _remove_high_energy_points( energies_dict=energies_dict, max_energy_above_unperturbed=max_energy_above_unperturbed, disp_dict=disp_dict if add_colorbar else None, ) # remove high energy points if not energies_dict["distortions"]: warnings.warn( f"No distortion energies within {max_energy_above_unperturbed} {units} above " f"unperturbed structure for {defect_species}. Skipping plot." ) return None try: defect_name = format_defect_name( defect_species=defect_species, include_site_info_in_name=include_site_info_in_name, ) # Format defect name for title and axis labels except Exception: # if formatting fails, just use the defect_species name defect_name = defect_species if num_nearest_neighbours and neighbour_atom: legend_label = f"Distortions: {num_nearest_neighbours} {neighbour_atom}" elif neighbour_atom: legend_label = f"Distortions: {neighbour_atom}" else: legend_label = "Distortions" with"{MODULE_DIR}/shakenbreak.mplstyle"): if add_colorbar: fig = plot_colorbar( energies_dict=energies_dict, disp_dict=disp_dict, defect_species=defect_species, include_site_info_in_name=include_site_info_in_name, title=defect_name if add_title else None, num_nearest_neighbours=num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom=neighbour_atom, legend_label=legend_label, metric=metric, y_label=y_label, max_energy_above_unperturbed=max_energy_above_unperturbed, line_color=line_color, save_plot=save_plot, output_path=output_path, save_format=save_format, verbose=verbose, ) else: fig = plot_datasets( datasets=[energies_dict], defect_species=defect_species, include_site_info_in_name=include_site_info_in_name, title=defect_name if add_title else None, num_nearest_neighbours=num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom=neighbour_atom, dataset_labels=[legend_label], y_label=y_label, max_energy_above_unperturbed=max_energy_above_unperturbed, save_plot=save_plot, output_path=output_path, save_format=save_format, verbose=verbose, ) if close_figure: plt.close(fig) return fig
[docs] def plot_colorbar( energies_dict: dict, disp_dict: dict, defect_species: str, include_site_info_in_name: Optional[bool] = False, num_nearest_neighbours: Optional[int] = None, neighbour_atom: str = "NN", title: Optional[str] = None, legend_label: str = "SnB", metric: Optional[str] = "max_dist", max_energy_above_unperturbed: Optional[float] = 0.5, save_plot: Optional[bool] = False, output_path: Optional[str] = ".", y_label: Optional[str] = "Energy (eV)", line_color: Optional[str] = None, save_format: Optional[str] = "png", verbose: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Optional[Figure]: """ Plot energy versus bond distortion, adding a colorbar to show structural similarity between different final configurations. Args: energies_dict (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary matching distortion to final energy (eV), as produced by `analysis.get_energies()` or `analysis._organize_data()`. disp_dict (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary matching bond distortions to structure comparison metric (metric = 'disp' or 'max_dist'), as produced by `analysis.calculate_struct_comparison()`. defect_species (:obj:`str`): Specific defect name that will appear in plot labels (in LaTeX form) and file names (e.g 'vac_1_Cd_0') include_site_info_in_name (:obj:`bool`): Whether to include the site info (i.e. point group symbol and possibly nearest neighbour info, as generated by doped) in the defect name. Useful for materials with many symmetry-inequivalent sites. (Default: False) num_nearest_neighbours (:obj:`int`): Number of distorted neighbour atoms (e.g. 2) (Default: None) neighbour_atom (:obj:`str`, optional): Name(s) of distorted neighbour atoms (e.g. 'Cd') (Default: "NN") title (:obj:`str`, optional): Plot title (Default: None) legend_label (:obj:`str`): Label for plot legend (Default: 'SnB') metric (:obj:`str`): Defines the criteria for structural comparison, used for the colorbar. Can choose between root-mean-squared displacement for all sites ('disp') or the maximum distance between matched sites ('max_dist', default). (Default: "max_dist") max_energy_above_unperturbed (:obj:`float`): Maximum energy (in chosen `units`), relative to the unperturbed structure, to show on the plot. (Default: 0.5 eV) line_color (:obj:`str`): Color of the line conneting points. (Default: ShakeNBreak base style) save_plot (:obj:`bool`): Whether to save the plot as an SVG file. (Default: True) output_path (:obj:`str`): Path to top-level directory containing the defect directory (in which to save the plot). (Default: ".") y_label (:obj:`str`): Y axis label (Default: 'Energy (eV)') save_format (:obj:`str`): Format to save the plot as. (Default: 'png') verbose (:obj:`bool`): Whether to print information about the plot (warnings and where it's saved). Returns: :obj:`mpl.figure.Figure`: Energy vs distortion plot with colorbar for structural similarity, as a mpl.figure.Figure object """ _install_custom_font() with"{MODULE_DIR}/shakenbreak.mplstyle"): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6.5, 5)) # Title and format axis labels and locators if title: ax.set_title(title) try: formatted_defect_name = format_defect_name( defect_species, include_site_info_in_name=include_site_info_in_name ) except Exception: formatted_defect_name = "defect" ax = _format_axis( ax=ax, y_label=y_label, defect_name=formatted_defect_name, num_nearest_neighbours=num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom=neighbour_atom, ) # All energies relative to unperturbed one for key, i in energies_dict["distortions"].items(): energies_dict["distortions"][key] = i - energies_dict["Unperturbed"] energies_dict["Unperturbed"] = 0.0 energies_dict, disp_dict = _remove_high_energy_points( energies_dict=energies_dict, disp_dict=disp_dict, max_energy_above_unperturbed=max_energy_above_unperturbed, ) # Remove high energy points if not energies_dict["distortions"]: warnings.warn( f"No distortion energies within {max_energy_above_unperturbed} eV above " f"unperturbed structure for {defect_species}. Skipping plot." ) return None # Setting line color and colorbar if not line_color: line_color = "#59a590" # By default turquoise # colormap to measure structural similarity colormap, vmin, vmedium, vmax, norm = _setup_colormap(disp_dict) # Format distortion keys from other charge states ( imported_indices, keys, sorted_distortions, sorted_energies, sorted_disp, ) = _format_datapoints_from_other_chargestates(energies_dict=energies_dict, disp_dict=disp_dict) # Plotting line = None # to later check if line was plotted, for legend formatting with"{MODULE_DIR}/shakenbreak.mplstyle"): if "Rattled" in energies_dict["distortions"] and "Rattled" in disp_dict: # Plot Rattled energy path_col = ax.scatter( 0.0, energies_dict["distortions"]["Rattled"], c=(disp_dict["Rattled"] if isinstance(disp_dict["Rattled"], float) else "k"), label="Rattled", s=50, marker="o", cmap=colormap if isinstance(disp_dict["Rattled"], float) else None, norm=norm if isinstance(disp_dict["Rattled"], float) else None, alpha=1, ) # Plot Dimer if "Dimer" in energies_dict["distortions"] and "Dimer" in disp_dict: path_col = ax.scatter( 0.0, energies_dict["distortions"]["Dimer"], c=disp_dict["Dimer"] if isinstance(disp_dict["Dimer"], float) else "k", s=50, marker="s", # default_style_settings["marker"], label="Dimer", cmap=colormap if isinstance(disp_dict["Dimer"], float) else None, norm=norm if isinstance(disp_dict["Dimer"], float) else None, alpha=1, ) if len(sorted_distortions) > 0 and [ key for key in energies_dict["distortions"] if key != "Rattled" ]: # more than just Rattled if imported_indices: # Exclude datapoints from other charge states non_imported_sorted_indices = [ i for i in range(len(sorted_distortions)) if i not in imported_indices.values() ] else: non_imported_sorted_indices = range(len(sorted_distortions)) # Plot non-imported distortions non_imported_distortion_indices_with_disp = [ i for i in non_imported_sorted_indices if isinstance(sorted_disp[i], float) ] non_imported_distortion_indices_without_disp = [ i for i in non_imported_sorted_indices if not isinstance(sorted_disp[i], float) ] for indices_list, color_map in [ (non_imported_distortion_indices_without_disp, False), (non_imported_distortion_indices_with_disp, True), ]: if indices_list: path_col = ax.scatter( # plot any datapoints with undetermined disp as black [sorted_distortions[i] for i in indices_list], [sorted_energies[i] for i in indices_list], c=[sorted_disp[i] for i in indices_list] if color_map else "k", ls="-", s=50, marker="o", cmap=colormap if color_map else None, norm=norm if color_map else None, alpha=1, ) if len(non_imported_sorted_indices) > 1: # more than one point # Plot line connecting points (line,) = ax.plot( [sorted_distortions[i] for i in non_imported_sorted_indices], [sorted_energies[i] for i in non_imported_sorted_indices], ls="-", markersize=1, marker="o", color=line_color, label=legend_label, ) # Datapoints from other charge states if imported_indices: other_charges = len( [ # number of other charge states whose distortions have been imported list(energies_dict["distortions"].keys())[i].split("_")[-1] for i in imported_indices ] ) for i, j in zip(imported_indices.keys(), range(other_charges)): other_charge_state = int(list(energies_dict["distortions"].keys())[i].split("_")[-1]) sorted_i = imported_indices[i] # index for the sorted dicts ax.scatter( # plot any datapoints where disp could not be determined as black np.array(keys)[i], sorted_energies[sorted_i], c=(sorted_disp[sorted_i] if isinstance(sorted_disp[sorted_i], float) else "k"), edgecolors="k", ls="-", s=50, marker=( ["s", "v", "<", ">", "^", "p", "X"] * 3 )[ # repeat markers in case many imported charge states j ], # different markers for different charge states zorder=10, # make sure it's on top of the other points cmap=(colormap if isinstance(sorted_disp[sorted_i], float) else None), norm=norm if isinstance(sorted_disp[sorted_i], float) else None, alpha=1, label=f"From {'+' if other_charge_state > 0 else ''}{other_charge_state} " f"charge state", ) # Plot reference energy unperturbed_color = colormap( 0 ) # get color of unperturbed structure (corresponding to 0 as disp is calculated with # respect to this structure) ax.scatter( 0, energies_dict["Unperturbed"], color=unperturbed_color, ls="None", s=120, marker="d", label="Unperturbed", ) # distortion_range is sorted_distortions range, including 0 if above/below this range distortion_range = ( min((*sorted_distortions, 0)), max((*sorted_distortions, 0)), ) # set xlim to distortion_range + 5% (matplotlib default padding), if distortion_range is # not zero (only rattled and unperturbed) if distortion_range[1] - distortion_range[0] > 0: ax.set_xlim( distortion_range[0] - 0.05 * (distortion_range[1] - distortion_range[0]), distortion_range[1] + 0.05 * (distortion_range[1] - distortion_range[0]), ) # Formatting of tick labels. # For yaxis (i.e. energies): 1 decimal point if deltaE = (max E - min E) > 0.4 eV, # 2 if deltaE > 0.1 eV, otherwise 3. ax = _format_ticks( ax=ax, energies_list=[ *list(energies_dict["distortions"].values()), energies_dict["Unperturbed"], ], ) # reformat 'line' legend handle to include 'path_col' datapoint handle handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # get handle and label that corresponds to line, if line present: if line: line_handle, line_label = next( (handle, label) for handle, label in zip(handles, labels) if label == legend_label ) # remove line handle and label from handles and labels handles = [handle for handle in handles if handle != line_handle] labels = [label for label in labels if label != line_label] # add line handle and label to handles and labels, with datapoint handle handles = [(path_col, line_handle), *handles] labels = [line_label, *labels] plt.legend(handles, labels, scatteryoffsets=[0.5], frameon=True, framealpha=0.3).set_zorder( 100 ) # make sure it's on top of the other points _ = _format_colorbar( fig=fig, ax=ax, metric=metric, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, vmedium=vmedium, norm=norm, cmap=colormap, ) # Colorbar formatting # Save plot? if save_plot: _save_plot( fig=fig, defect_name=defect_species, output_path=output_path, save_format=save_format, verbose=verbose, ) return fig
[docs] def plot_datasets( datasets: list, dataset_labels: Optional[list] = None, defect_species: str = "defect", include_site_info_in_name: Optional[bool] = False, title: Optional[str] = None, neighbour_atom: Optional[str] = None, num_nearest_neighbours: Optional[int] = None, max_energy_above_unperturbed: Optional[float] = 0.5, y_label: str = r"Energy (eV)", markers: Optional[list] = None, linestyles: Optional[list] = None, colors: Optional[list] = None, markersize: Optional[float] = None, linewidth: Optional[float] = None, save_plot: Optional[bool] = False, output_path: Optional[str] = ".", save_format: Optional[str] = "png", verbose: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Figure: """ Generate energy versus bond distortion plots for multiple datasets. Args: datasets (:obj:`list`): List of {distortion: energy} dictionaries to plot (each dictionary matching distortion to final energy (eV), as produced by `analysis._organize_data()` or `analysis.get_energies()`) dataset_labels (:obj:`list`): Labels for each dataset plot legend. If None, defaults to ["Distortions"]*len(datasets). defect_species (:obj:`str`): Specific defect name that will appear in plot labels (in LaTeX form) and file names (e.g 'vac_1_Cd_0'). Defaults to 'defect'. include_site_info_in_name (:obj:`bool`): Whether to include the site info (i.e. point group symbol and possibly nearest neighbour info, as generated by doped) in the defect name. Useful for materials with many symmetry-inequivalent sites. (Default: False) neighbour_atom (:obj:`str`): Name(s) of distorted neighbour atoms (e.g. 'Cd') title (:obj:`str`, optional): Plot title (Default: None) num_nearest_neighbours (:obj:`int`): Number of distorted neighbour atoms (e.g. 2) max_energy_above_unperturbed (:obj:`float`): Maximum energy (in chosen `units`), relative to the unperturbed structure, to show on the plot. (Default: 0.5 eV) y_label (:obj:`str`): Y axis label (Default: 'Energy (eV)') colors (:obj:`list`): List of color codes to use for each dataset (e.g ["C1", "C2"]) (Default: None) markers (:obj:`list`): List of markers to use for each dataset (e.g ["o", "d"]) (Default: None) linestyles (:obj:`list`): List of line styles to use for each dataset (e.g ["-", "-."]) (Default: None) markersize (:obj:`float`): Marker size to use for plots (single value, or list of values for each dataset) (Default: None) linewidth (:obj:`float`): Linewidth to use for plots (single value, or list of values for each dataset) (Default: None) save_plot (:obj:`bool`): Whether to save the plots. (Default: True) output_path (:obj:`str`): Path to top-level directory containing the defect directory (in which to save the plot). (Default: ".") save_format (:obj:`str`): Format to save the plot as. (Default: 'png') verbose (:obj:`bool`): Whether to print information about the plot (warnings and where it's saved). Returns: :obj:`mpl.figure.Figure`: Energy vs distortion plot for multiple datasets, as a mpl.figure.Figure object """ # Validate input if dataset_labels is None: dataset_labels = ["Distortions"] * len(datasets) elif len(datasets) != len(dataset_labels): raise ValueError( f"Number of datasets and labels must match! " f"You gave me {len(datasets)} datasets and" f" {len(dataset_labels)} labels." ) _install_custom_font() # Set up figure with"{MODULE_DIR}/shakenbreak.mplstyle"): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Line colors if not colors: colors = _get_line_colors(number_of_colors=len(datasets)) # get list of # colors to use for each dataset elif len(colors) < len(datasets): if verbose: warnings.warn( f"Insufficient colors provided for {len(datasets)} datasets. Using default colors." ) colors = _get_line_colors(number_of_colors=len(datasets)) # Title and labels of axis if title: ax.set_title(title) try: formatted_defect_name = format_defect_name( defect_species, include_site_info_in_name=include_site_info_in_name ) except Exception: formatted_defect_name = "defect" ax = _format_axis( ax=ax, y_label=y_label, defect_name=formatted_defect_name, num_nearest_neighbours=num_nearest_neighbours, neighbour_atom=neighbour_atom, ) # Plot data points for each dataset unperturbed_energies = {} # energies for unperturbed structure obtained with different methods # all energies relative to the unperturbed energy of first dataset for dataset_number, dataset in enumerate(datasets): for key, energy in dataset["distortions"].items(): dataset["distortions"][key] = ( energy - datasets[0]["Unperturbed"] ) # Energies relative to unperturbed E of dataset 1 if dataset_number >= 1: dataset["Unperturbed"] = dataset["Unperturbed"] - datasets[0]["Unperturbed"] unperturbed_energies[dataset_number] = dataset["Unperturbed"] for key in list(dataset["distortions"].keys()): # remove high E points (relative to reference) if dataset["distortions"][key] > max_energy_above_unperturbed: dataset["distortions"].pop(key) default_style_settings = { "marker": "o", "linestyle": "solid", "linewidth": 1.0, "markersize": 6, } for key, optional_style_settings in { "marker": markers, "linestyle": linestyles, "linewidth": linewidth, "markersize": markersize, }.items(): if optional_style_settings: # if set by user if isinstance(optional_style_settings, list): try: default_style_settings[key] = optional_style_settings[dataset_number] except IndexError: default_style_settings[key] = optional_style_settings[ 0 ] # in case not enough for each dataset else: default_style_settings[key] = optional_style_settings # Format distortion keys of the distortions imported from other charge states ( imported_indices, keys, sorted_distortions, sorted_energies, ) = _format_datapoints_from_other_chargestates(energies_dict=dataset, disp_dict=None) with"{MODULE_DIR}/shakenbreak.mplstyle"): if "Rattled" in dataset["distortions"]: ax.scatter( # Scatter plot for Rattled (1 datapoint) 0.0, dataset["distortions"]["Rattled"], c=colors[dataset_number], s=50, marker=default_style_settings["marker"], label="Rattled", ) # Plot Dimer if "Dimer" in dataset["distortions"]: ax.scatter( # Scatter plot for Rattled (1 datapoint) 0.0, dataset["distortions"]["Dimer"], c=colors[dataset_number], s=50, marker="s", # default_style_settings["marker"], label="Dimer", ) if len(sorted_distortions) > 0 and [ key for key in dataset["distortions"] if (key != "Rattled" and key != "Dimer") ]: # more than just Rattled if imported_indices: # Exclude datapoints from other charge states non_imported_sorted_indices = [ i for i in range(len(sorted_distortions)) if i not in imported_indices.values() ] else: non_imported_sorted_indices = range(len(sorted_distortions)) if len(non_imported_sorted_indices) > 1: # more than one point # Plot non-imported distortions ax.plot( # plot bond distortions [sorted_distortions[i] for i in non_imported_sorted_indices], [sorted_energies[i] for i in non_imported_sorted_indices], c=colors[dataset_number], markersize=default_style_settings["markersize"], marker=default_style_settings["marker"], linestyle=default_style_settings["linestyle"], label=dataset_labels[dataset_number], linewidth=default_style_settings["linewidth"], ) if imported_indices: other_charges = len( [ list(dataset["distortions"].keys())[i].split("_")[-1] for i in imported_indices ] # number of other charge states whose distortions have been imported ) for i, j in zip(imported_indices, range(other_charges)): other_charge_state = int(list(dataset["distortions"].keys())[i].split("_")[-1]) ax.scatter( # distortions from other charge states np.array(keys)[i], list(dataset["distortions"].values())[i], c=colors[dataset_number], edgecolors="k", ls="-", s=50, zorder=10, # make sure it's on top of the other lines marker=( ["s", "v", "<", ">", "^", "p", "X"] * 3 )[ # repeat markers in case many imported charge states j ], # different markers for different charge states alpha=1, label=f"From {'+' if other_charge_state > 0 else ''}{other_charge_state} " f"charge state", ) datasets[0]["Unperturbed"] = 0.0 # unperturbed energy of first dataset (our reference energy) # Plot Unperturbed point for every dataset, relative to the unperturbed energy of first dataset for key, value in unperturbed_energies.items(): if abs(value) > 0.1: # Only plot if different energy from the reference Unperturbed print( f"Energies for unperturbed structures obtained with different methods " f"({dataset_labels[key]}) differ by {value:.2f}. If testing different " "magnetic states (FM, AFM) this is normal, otherwise you may want to check this!" ) with"{MODULE_DIR}/shakenbreak.mplstyle"): ax.plot( 0, datasets[key]["Unperturbed"], ls="None", marker="d", markersize=9, c=colors[key], ) with"{MODULE_DIR}/shakenbreak.mplstyle"): ax.plot( # plot our reference energy 0, datasets[0]["Unperturbed"], ls="None", marker="d", markersize=9, c=colors[0], label="Unperturbed", ) # distortion_range is sorted_distortions range, including 0 if above/below this range distortion_range = ( min((*sorted_distortions, 0)), max( ( *sorted_distortions, 0, ) ), ) # set xlim to distortion_range + 5% (matplotlib default padding) if distortion_range[1] - distortion_range[0] > 0: ax.set_xlim( distortion_range[0] - 0.05 * (distortion_range[1] - distortion_range[0]), distortion_range[1] + 0.05 * (distortion_range[1] - distortion_range[0]), ) # Format tick labels: # For yaxis, 1 decimal point if energy difference between max E and min E # > 0.4 eV, 3 if E < 0.1 eV, 2 otherwise ax = _format_ticks( ax=ax, energies_list=[ *list(datasets[0]["distortions"].values()), datasets[0]["Unperturbed"], ], ) # If several datasets, check min & max energy are included if len(datasets) > 1: min_energy = min(min(list(dataset["distortions"].values())) for dataset in datasets) max_energy = max(max(list(dataset["distortions"].values())) for dataset in datasets) ax.set_ylim( min_energy - 0.1 * (max_energy - min_energy), max_energy + 0.1 * (max_energy - min_energy), ) ax.legend(frameon=True, framealpha=0.3).set_zorder(100) # show legend on top of all other datapoints if save_plot: # Save plot? _save_plot( fig=fig, defect_name=defect_species, output_path=output_path, save_format=save_format, verbose=verbose, ) return fig