
Python API#

Usage of ShakeNBreak from a Python API is exemplified in the SnB Python API Tutorial and SnB Polarons Tutorial, which include:

Command line interface (CLI)#

Additionally, the core functionality of the code can be accessed through the command line, with the following commands:

  1. Generation of distorted structures and/or their relaxation input files:
  2. Submitting the geometry optimisations to the HPC scheduler:


  3. Parsing of the geometry optimisation results:


  4. Analysis of the energies and structural differences between the relaxed configurations:


  5. Plotting of energy vs distortions to identify what energy lowering reconstructions have been found:


  6. Identification of defect species undergoing energy-lowering distortions and test these distortions for the other charge states of the defect


  7. Saving the ground state structures


All commands are documented in the Python API section, and their use is exemplified in the following pages:

Getting help#

Beyond the documentation, we can get a full list of accepted flags and their description using the --help or -h flag, e.g.:

$ snb-generate --help

> Usage: snb-generate [OPTIONS]
Generate the trial distortions for structure-searching for a given defect.
-d, --defect FILE               Path to defect structure  [required]
-b, --bulk FILE                 Path to bulk structure  [required]
-c, --charge INTEGER            Defect charge state
--min-charge, --min INTEGER     Minimum defect charge state for which to
--max-charge, --max INTEGER     Maximum defect charge state for which to
                                generate distortions
--defect-index, --idx INTEGER   Index of defect site in defect structure, in
                                case auto site-matching fails
--defect-coords, --def-coords <FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT>...
                                Fractional coordinates of defect site in
                                defect structure, in case auto site-matching
                                fails. In the form 'x y z' (3 arguments)
--code TEXT                     Code to generate relaxation input files for.
                                Options: 'VASP', 'CP2K', 'espresso',
                                'CASTEP', 'FHI-aims'. Defaults to 'VASP'
-n, --name TEXT                 Defect name for folder and metadata
                                generation. Defaults to doped scheme
                                (see tutorials)
--config FILE                   Config file for advanced distortion
                                settings. See example
-v, --verbose                   Print information about identified defects
                                and generated distortions
-h, --help                      Show this help message and exit