Source code for

Module to parse input and output files for VASP, Quantum Espresso,
FHI-aims, CASTEP and CP2K.

import contextlib
import datetime
import os
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union

import ase
from ase.atoms import Atoms
from import regrep
from monty.serialization import dumpfn, loadfn
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from pymatgen.core.units import Energy
from import AseAtomsAdaptor

from shakenbreak import analysis

aaa = AseAtomsAdaptor()

[docs] def parse_energies( defect: str, path: Optional[str] = ".", code: Optional[str] = "vasp", filename: Optional[str] = "OUTCAR", verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Parse final energy for all distortions present in the given defect directory and write them to a `yaml` file in the defect directory. Returns the energies_file path. Args: defect (:obj:`str`): Name of defect to parse, including charge state. Should match the name of the defect folder. path (:obj: `str`): Path to the top-level directory containing the defect folder. Defaults to current directory ("."). code (:obj:`str`): Name of ab-initio code used to run the geometry optimisations, case insensitive. Options include: "vasp", "cp2k", "espresso", "castep" and "fhi-aims". Defaults to "vasp". filename (:obj:`str`): Filename of the output file, if different from the ShakeNBreak defaults that are defined in the default input files: (i.e. vasp: "OUTCAR", cp2k: "relax.out", espresso: "espresso.out", castep: "*.castep", fhi-aims: "aims.out") Default to the ShakeNBreak default filenames. verbose (:obj:`bool`): If True, print information about renamed/saved-over files. Defaults to False. Returns: energies_file path. """ def _match(filename, grep_string): """Helper function to grep for a string in a file.""" try: return regrep( filename=filename, patterns={"match": grep_string}, reverse=True, terminate_on_match=True, )["match"] except Exception: return None def sort_energies(defect_energies_dict): """Order dict items by key (e.g. from -0.6 to 0 to +0.6).""" # sort distortions sorted_energies_dict = { "distortions": dict( sorted( defect_energies_dict["distortions"].items(), key=lambda k: (0, k[0]) if isinstance(k[0], float) else (1, k[0]), # to deal with list of both floats and strings # ( ) ) } if "Unperturbed" in defect_energies_dict: sorted_energies_dict["Unperturbed"] = defect_energies_dict["Unperturbed"] if "Dimer" in defect_energies_dict: sorted_energies_dict["Dimer"] = defect_energies_dict["Dimer"] return sorted_energies_dict def save_file(energies, defect, path, verbose=False): """Save yaml file with final energies for each distortion.""" # File to write energies to filename = f"{path}/{defect}/{defect}.yaml" # Check if previous version of file exists if os.path.exists(filename): old_file = loadfn(filename) if old_file != energies: current_datetime ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") if verbose: print( f"Moving old {filename} to " f"{filename.replace('.yaml', '')}_{current_datetime}.yaml " "to avoid overwriting" ) os.rename( filename, f"{filename.replace('.yaml', '')}_{current_datetime}.yaml" ) # Keep copy of old file dumpfn(energies, filename) else: dumpfn(energies, filename) def parse_vasp_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, outcar): """Parse VASP energy from OUTCAR file.""" converged = False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, "OUTCAR")): outcar = os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, "OUTCAR") if outcar: # regrep faster than using Outcar/vasprun class with contextlib.suppress(IndexError): energy = _match(outcar, r"entropy=.*energy\(sigma->0\)\s+=\s+([\d\-\.]+)")[0][0][ 0 ] # Energy of first match converged = _match(outcar, "required accuracy") # check if ionic relaxation converged if not converged: converged = _match(outcar, "considering this converged") return converged, energy, outcar def parse_espresso_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, espresso_out): """Parse Quantum Espresso energy from espresso.out file.""" if os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, "espresso.out"): # Default SnB output filename espresso_out = os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, "espresso.out") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, filename)): espresso_out = os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, filename) if espresso_out: energy_in_Ry = _match(espresso_out, r"! total energy\s+=\s+([\d\-\.]+)") if energy_in_Ry: # Energy of first match, in Rydberg energy = float(Energy(float(energy_in_Ry[0][0][0]), "Ry").to("eV")) return True, energy, espresso_out # no check for ionic convergence in QE def parse_cp2k_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, cp2k_out): """Parse CP2K energy from relax.out file.""" converged = False if os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, "relax.out"): cp2k_out = os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, "relax.out") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, filename)): cp2k_out = os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, filename) if cp2k_out: converged = _match(cp2k_out, "GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION COMPLETED") # check if ionic # relaxation is converged energy_in_Ha = _match(cp2k_out, r"Total energy:\s+([\d\-\.]+)") # Energy of first # match in Hartree energy = float(Energy(energy_in_Ha[0][0][0], "Ha").to("eV")) return converged, energy, cp2k_out def parse_castep_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, castep_out): """Parse CASTEP energy from .castep file.""" converged = False output_files = [file for file in os.listdir(f"{defect_dir}/{dist}") if ".castep" in file] if output_files and os.path.exists(f"{defect_dir}/{dist}/{output_files[0]}"): castep_out = f"{defect_dir}/{dist}/{output_files[0]}" elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, filename)): castep_out = os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, filename) if castep_out: # check if ionic relaxation is converged # Convergence string deduced from: # # and # blob/master/test/examples/TiO2-geom.castep converged = _match(castep_out, "Geometry optimization completed successfully.") energy = _match(castep_out, r"Final Total Energy\s+([\d\-\.]+)")[0][0][ 0 ] # Energy of first match in eV return converged, energy, castep_out def parse_fhi_aims_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, aims_out): """Parse FHI-aims energy from .out file.""" converged = False if os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, "aims.out"): aims_out = os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, "aims.out") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, filename)): aims_out = os.path.join(defect_dir, dist, filename) if aims_out: converged = _match(aims_out, "converged.") # check if ionic relaxation is converged # Convergence string deduced from: # # and # blob/master/Tutorial/3-Periodic-Systems/solutions/Si/PBE_relaxation/aims.out energy = _match( aims_out, r"\| Total energy of the DFT / Hartree-Fock s.c.f. calculation\s+:\s+([\d\-\.]+)", ) if energy: energy = energy[0][0][0] # Energy of first match in eV return converged, energy, aims_out energies = {"distortions": {}} # maps each distortion to the energy of the optimised structure if defect == os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(path)) and not [ dir for dir in path if (os.path.isdir(dir) and os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(dir)) == defect) ]: # if `defect` is in end of `path` and `path` doesn't have a subdirectory called `defect` # then remove defect from end of path path = os.path.dirname(path) defect_dir = f"{path}/{defect}" if not os.path.isdir(defect_dir): orig_defect_name = defect defect = defect.replace("+", "") # try removing '+' from defect name, old format defect_dir = f"{path}/{defect}" # try removing '+' from defect name, old format if not os.path.isdir(defect_dir): warnings.warn( f"Defect folder '{orig_defect_name}' not found in '{path}'. Please check these folders " f"and paths." ) return None dist_dirs = [ dir for dir in os.listdir(defect_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(defect_dir, dir)) and any( substring in dir for substring in [ "Bond_Distortion", "Rattled", "Unperturbed", "Dimer", ] # distortion directories ) and "High_Energy" not in dir ] # load previously-parsed energies file if present energies_file = f"{path}/{defect}/{defect}.yaml" if os.path.exists(energies_file): try: prev_energies_dict, _, _ = analysis._sort_data(energies_file, verbose=False) except Exception: prev_energies_dict = {} else: prev_energies_dict = {} # Parse energies and write them to file for dist in dist_dirs: outcar = None energy = None converged = False if code.lower() == "vasp": converged, energy, outcar = parse_vasp_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, outcar) elif code.lower() in [ "espresso", "quantum_espresso", "quantum-espresso", "quantumespresso", ]: converged, energy, outcar = parse_espresso_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, outcar) elif code.lower() == "cp2k": converged, energy, outcar = parse_cp2k_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, outcar) elif code.lower() == "castep": converged, energy, outcar = parse_castep_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, outcar) elif code.lower() in ["fhi-aims", "fhi_aims", "fhiaims"]: converged, energy, outcar = parse_fhi_aims_energy(defect_dir, dist, energy, outcar) if analysis._format_distortion_names(dist) != "Label_not_recognized": dist_name = analysis._format_distortion_names(dist) else: dist_name = dist if energy: if "Unperturbed" in dist: energies[dist_name] = float(energy) else: energies["distortions"][dist_name] = float(energy) if not converged: print(f"{dist} for {defect} is not fully relaxed") elif not outcar: # check if energy not found, but was previously parsed, then add to dict if dist_name in prev_energies_dict: energies[dist_name] = prev_energies_dict[dist_name] elif "distortions" in prev_energies_dict and dist_name in prev_energies_dict["distortions"]: energies["distortions"][dist_name] = prev_energies_dict["distortions"][dist_name] else: warnings.warn(f"No output file in {dist} directory") if energies["distortions"]: if "Unperturbed" in energies and all( value - energies["Unperturbed"] > 0.1 for value in energies["distortions"].values() ): warnings.warn( f"All distortions parsed for {defect} are >0.1 eV higher energy than unperturbed, " f"indicating problems with the relaxations. You should first check if the calculations " f"finished ok for this defect species and if this defect charge state is reasonable (" f"often this is the result of an unreasonable charge state). If both checks pass, " f"you likely need to adjust the `stdev` rattling parameter (can occur for " f"hard/ionic/magnetic materials); see " f"\n" f"This often indicates a complex PES with multiple minima, thus energy-lowering " f"distortions particularly likely, so important to test with reduced `stdev`!" ) elif ( "Unperturbed" in energies and all(value - energies["Unperturbed"] < -0.1 for value in energies["distortions"].values()) and len(energies["distortions"]) > 2 ): warnings.warn( f"All distortions parsed for {defect} are <-0.1 eV lower energy than unperturbed. If " f"this happens for multiple defects/charge states, it can indicate that a bulk phase " f"transformation is occurring within your defect supercell. If so, see " f" for " f"advice on dealing with this phenomenon." ) else: # check if distortion directories were present but were all "*High_Energy*" try: high_energy_dist_dirs = [ dir for dir in os.listdir(defect_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(defect_dir, dir)) and any( substring in dir for substring in [ "Bond_Distortion", "Rattled", "Unperturbed", "Dimer", ] ) and "High_Energy" in dir ] except FileNotFoundError: # no "*High_Energy*" distortion folders high_energy_dist_dirs = [] if ( high_energy_dist_dirs ): # "*High_Energy*" distortion directories present and no distortion energies parsed warnings.warn( f"All distortions for {defect} gave positive energies or forces errors, indicating " f"problems with these relaxations. You should first check that no user INCAR setting is " f"causing this issue. If not, you likely need to adjust the `stdev` rattling parameter (" f"can occur for hard/ionic/magnetic materials); see " f"" ) else: warnings.warn( f"Energies could not be parsed for defect '{defect}' in '{path}'. If these directories " f"are correct, check calculations have converged, and that distortion subfolders match " f"ShakeNBreak naming (e.g. Bond_Distortion_xxx, Rattled, Unperturbed)" ) # if any entries in prev_energies_dict not in energies_dict, add to energies_dict and # warn user about output files not being parsed for this entry if prev_energies_dict: for key, value in prev_energies_dict.items(): if key not in energies: energies[key] = value warnings.warn( f"No output file in {key} directory, but previous parsed result found in " f"{energies_file}, using this." ) elif key == "distortions": for key2, value2 in prev_energies_dict["distortions"].items(): if key2 not in energies["distortions"]: energies["distortions"][key2] = value2 warnings.warn( f"No output file in {key2} directory, but previous parsed result found in " f"{energies_file}, using this." ) energies = sort_energies(energies) if energies and energies != {"distortions": {}}: save_file(energies, defect, path, verbose=verbose) return energies_file
# Parsing output structures of different codes
[docs] def read_vasp_structure( file_path: str, ) -> Union[Structure, str]: """ Read VASP structure from `file_path` and convert to `pymatgen` Structure object. Args: file_path (:obj:`str`): Path to VASP `CONTCAR` file Returns: :obj:`Structure`: `pymatgen` Structure object """ abs_path_formatted = file_path.replace("\\", "/") # for Windows compatibility if not os.path.isfile(abs_path_formatted): warnings.warn( f"{abs_path_formatted} file doesn't exist, storing as " f"'Not converged'. Check path & relaxation" ) struct = "Not converged" else: try: struct = Structure.from_file(abs_path_formatted) except Exception: warnings.warn( f"Problem obtaining structure from: {abs_path_formatted}, " f"storing as 'Not converged'. Check file & relaxation" ) struct = "Not converged" return struct
[docs] def read_espresso_structure( filename: str, ) -> Union[Structure, str]: """ Reads a structure from Quantum Espresso output and returns it as a pymatgen Structure. Args: filename (:obj:`str`): Path to the Quantum Espresso output file. Returns: :obj:`Structure`: `pymatgen` Structure object """ # functions seem a bit buggy, so we use the following implementation if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as f: file_content = else: warnings.warn( f"{filename} file doesn't exist, storing as 'Not converged'. Check path & relaxation" ) structure = "Not converged" try: if "Begin final coordinates" in file_content: file_content = file_content.split("Begin final coordinates")[-1] # last geometry if "End final coordinates" in file_content: file_content = file_content.split("End final coordinates")[0] # last geometry # Parse cell parameters and atomic positions cell_lines = [ line for line in file_content.split("CELL_PARAMETERS (angstrom)")[1] .split("ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom)")[0] .split("\n") if line != "" and line != " " and line != " " ] atomic_positions = file_content.split("ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom)")[1] # Cell parameters cell_lines_processed = [ [float(number) for number in line.split()] for line in cell_lines if len(line.split()) == 3 ] # Atomic positions atomic_positions_processed = [ line.split() for line in atomic_positions.split("\n") if len(line.split()) >= 4 ] coordinates = [[float(entry) for entry in line[1:4]] for line in atomic_positions_processed] symbols = [entry[0] for entry in atomic_positions_processed if entry not in ["", " ", " "]] # Check parsing is ok for entry in coordinates: assert len(entry) == 3 # Encure 3 numbers (xyz) are parsed from coordinates section assert len(symbols) == len(coordinates) # Same number of atoms and coordinates atoms = Atoms( symbols=symbols, positions=coordinates, cell=cell_lines_processed, pbc=True, ) aaa = AseAtomsAdaptor() structure = aaa.get_structure(atoms) structure = structure.get_sorted_structure() # Sort by atom type except Exception: warnings.warn( f"Problem parsing structure from: {filename}, storing as 'Not " f"converged'. Check file & relaxation" ) structure = "Not converged" return structure
[docs] def read_fhi_aims_structure(filename: str, format="aims") -> Union[Structure, str]: """ Reads a structure from FHI-aims output and returns it as a pymatgen Structure. Args: filename (:obj:`str`): Path to the FHI-aims output file. format (:obj:`str`): either aims-output (output file) aims (geometry file) Returns: :obj:`Structure`: `pymatgen` Structure object """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {filename} does not exist!") try: aaa = AseAtomsAdaptor() atoms =, format=format) structure = aaa.get_structure(atoms) structure = structure.get_sorted_structure() # Sort sites by # electronegativity except Exception: warnings.warn( f"Problem parsing structure from: {filename}, storing as 'Not " f"converged'. Check file & relaxation" ) structure = "Not converged" return structure
[docs] def read_cp2k_structure( filename: str, ) -> Union[Structure, str]: """ Reads a structure from CP2K restart file and returns it as a pymatgen Structure. Args: filename (:obj:`str`): Path to the cp2k restart file. Returns: :obj:`Structure`: `pymatgen` Structure object """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {filename} does not exist!") try: aaa = AseAtomsAdaptor() atoms = filename=filename, format="cp2k-restart", ) structure = aaa.get_structure(atoms) structure = structure.get_sorted_structure() # Sort sites by # electronegativity except Exception: warnings.warn( f"Problem parsing structure from: {filename}, storing as 'Not " f"converged'. Check file & relaxation" ) structure = "Not converged" return structure
[docs] def read_castep_structure( filename: str, ) -> Union[Structure, str]: """ Reads a structure from CASTEP output (`.castep`) file and returns it as a pymatgen Structure. Args: filename (:obj:`str`): Path to the CASTEP output file. Returns: :obj:`Structure`: `pymatgen` Structure object """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {filename} does not exist!") try: aaa = AseAtomsAdaptor() atoms = filename=filename, format="castep-castep", ) structure = aaa.get_structure(atoms) structure = structure.get_sorted_structure() # Sort sites by # electronegativity except Exception: warnings.warn( f"Problem parsing structure from: {filename}, storing as 'Not " f"converged'. Check file & relaxation" ) structure = "Not converged" return structure
[docs] def parse_structure( code: str, structure_path: str, structure_filename: str, ) -> Union[Structure, str]: """ Parses the output structure from different codes (VASP, CP2K, Quantum Espresso, CATSEP, FHI-aims) and converts it to a pymatgen Structure object. Args: code (:obj:`str`): Code used for geometry optimizations. Valid code names are: "vasp", "espresso", "cp2k", "castep" and "fhi-aims" (case insensitive). structure_path (:obj:`str`): Path to directory containing the structure file. structure_filename (:obj:`str`): Name of the structure file or the output file containing the optimized structure. If not set, the following values will be used for each code: vasp: "CONTCAR", cp2k: "cp2k.restart" (The restart file is used), Quantum espresso: "espresso.out", castep: "castep.castep" (castep output file is used) fhi-aims: Returns: :obj:`Structure`: `pymatgen` Structure object """ if code.lower() == "vasp": if not structure_filename: structure_filename = "CONTCAR" structure = read_vasp_structure(f"{structure_path}/{structure_filename}") elif code.lower() == "espresso": if not structure_filename: structure_filename = "espresso.out" structure = read_espresso_structure(f"{structure_path}/{structure_filename}") elif code.lower() == "cp2k": if not structure_filename: structure_filename = "cp2k.restart" structure = read_cp2k_structure( filename=f"{structure_path}/{structure_filename}", ) elif code.lower() == "fhi-aims": if not structure_filename: structure_filename = "" structure = read_fhi_aims_structure( filename=f"{structure_path}/{structure_filename}", ) elif code.lower() == "castep": if not structure_filename: structure_filename = "castep.castep" structure = read_castep_structure( filename=f"{structure_path}/{structure_filename}", ) return structure
# Parse code input files
[docs] def parse_qe_input(path: str) -> dict: """ Parse the input file of Quantum Espresso and return it as a dictionary of the parameters. Args: path (:obj:`str`): Path to the Quantum Espresso input file. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {path} does not exist!") sections = [ "ATOMIC_SPECIES", "ATOMIC_POSITIONS", "K_POINTS", "ADDITIONAL_K_POINTS", "CELL_PARAMETERS", "CONSTRAINTS", "OCCUPATIONS", "ATOMIC_VELOCITIES", "HUBBARD", "ATOMIC_FORCES", "SOLVENTS", ] with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() params = {} for raw_line in lines: line = raw_line.strip().partition("#")[0] # ignore in-line comments if line.startswith("&") or any(sec in line for sec in sections): section = line.split()[0].replace("&", "") params[section] = {} elif line.startswith(("#", "!", "/")): continue elif "=" in line: key, value = line.split("=") # Convent numeric values to float try: value = float(value.strip()) except Exception: # string keywords in QE input file are enclosed in quotes # so we remove them to avoid too many quotes when generating # the input file with ase value = value.strip() value.replace("'", "") value.replace('"', "") params[section][key.strip()] = value elif len(line.split()) > 1: key, value = line.split()[0], " ".join([str(val) for val in line.split()[1:]]) params[section][key.strip()] = value # Remove structure info (if present), as will be re-written with distorted structures for section in [ "ATOMIC_POSITIONS", "K_POINTS", "ADDITIONAL_K_POINTS", "CELL_PARAMETERS", ]: params.pop(section, None) if "SYSTEM" in params: for key in ["celldm(1)", "nat", "ntyp", "ibrav"]: params["SYSTEM"].pop(key, None) return params
[docs] def parse_fhi_aims_input(path: str) -> dict: """ Parse the input file of FHI-aims and return it as a dictionary of the parameters. Args: path (:obj:`str`): Path to the Quantum Espresso input file. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {path} does not exist!") with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() params = {} for raw_line in lines: line = raw_line.strip().partition("#")[0] # ignore in-line comments if line.startswith(("#", "!", "/")): continue if len(line.split()) > 1: if len(line.split()) > 2: key, values = line.split()[0], line.split()[1:] # Convent numeric values to float # (necessary when feeding into the ASE calculator) for i in range(len(values)): with contextlib.suppress(Exception): # Convent numeric values to float values[i] = float(values[i]) else: key, values = line.split()[0], line.split()[1] with contextlib.suppress(Exception): values = float(values) params[key.strip()] = values return params