Source code for shakenbreak.energy_lowering_distortions

Module to apply energy lowering distortions found for a certain defect
species (charge state) to other charge states of that defect.

import copy
import os
import shutil
import warnings
from typing import Optional

import pandas as pd
from import write as ase_write
from doped.utils.plotting import format_defect_name
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from import AseAtomsAdaptor

from shakenbreak import analysis, io

aaa = AseAtomsAdaptor()

def _format_distortion_directory_name(
    distorted_distortion: str,
    distorted_charge: int,
    defect_species: str,
    output_path: str,
) -> str:
    """Format name of distortion directory."""
    if (
        isinstance(distorted_distortion, str)
        and "%" in distorted_distortion
        and "Bond_Distortion_" not in distorted_distortion
        # if a string but not Unperturbed or Rattled, add "Bond_Distortion_" to the start
        distorted_distortion = f"Bond_Distortion_{distorted_distortion}"

    formatted_distorted_charge = f"{'+' if distorted_charge > 0 else ''}{distorted_charge}"

    if isinstance(distorted_distortion, str) and "_from_" not in distorted_distortion:
        return f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{distorted_distortion}_from_{formatted_distorted_charge}"
        # don't add "Bond_Distortion_" for "Unperturbed" or "Rattled"
    if isinstance(distorted_distortion, str):
        return f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{distorted_distortion}"

    return (
        f"{round(distorted_distortion * 100, 1) + 0}%_from_{formatted_distorted_charge}"

[docs] def read_defects_directories(output_path: str = "./") -> dict: """ Reads all defect folders in the `output_path` directory and stores defect names and charge states in a dictionary. Args: output_path (:obj:`str`): Path to directory with your distorted defect calculations. (Default is current directory = "./") Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary mapping defect names to a list of its charge states. """ list_subdirectories = list(next(os.walk(output_path))[1]) # Only subdirectories in current directory for i in list(list_subdirectories): # need to make copy of list when iterating over and # removing elements try: formatted_name = format_defect_name(i, include_site_info_in_name=False) if formatted_name is None: # defect folder name not recognised, remove from list list_subdirectories.remove(i) except ValueError: # defect folder name not recognised, remove from list list_subdirectories.remove(i) list_name_charge = [ i.rsplit("_", 1) for i in list_subdirectories ] # split by last "_" (separate defect name from charge state) defect_charges_dict = {} for i in list_name_charge: try: if i[0] in defect_charges_dict: if i[1] not in defect_charges_dict[i[0]]: # if charge not in value defect_charges_dict[i[0]].append(int(i[1])) else: defect_charges_dict[i[0]] = [int(i[1])] except ValueError: print( f"{i[0]}_{i[1]} not recognised as a valid defect name (should " f"end with charge e.g. 'vac_1_Cd_-2'), skipping..." ) return defect_charges_dict
def _compare_distortion( defect: str, defect_species: str, charge: int, energy_diff: float, gs_distortion: float, gs_struct: Structure, low_energy_defects: dict, stol: float = 0.5, min_dist: float = 0.2, verbose: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Compare the ground state distortion (`gs_distortion`) to the other favourable distortions stored in `low_energy_defects`. If different, add distortion as separate entry to `low_energy_defects`. If same, store together with the other similar distortions. Args: defect (:obj:`str`): Name of the defect, without charge state defect_species (:obj:`str`): Name of the defect, with charge state charge (:obj:`int`): Defect charge state energy_diff (:obj:`float`): Energy difference between the distortion and the associated Unperturbed structure. gs_distortion (:obj:`float`): Distortion factor leading to the ground state configuration. gs_struct (:obj:`Structure`): pymatgen Structure object of the ground state configuration. low_energy_defects (:obj:`dict): Dictionary storing all unique, energy-lowering distortions. stol (:obj:`float`): Site-matching tolerance for structure matching. Site tolerance defined as the fraction of the average free length per atom := ( V / Nsites ) ** (1/3). (Default: 0.5) min_dist (:obj:`float`): Minimum atomic displacement threshold between structures, in order to consider them not matching (in Å, default = 0.2 Å). verbose (:obj:`bool`): Whether to print information message about structures being compared. Returns: :obj:`dict` """ comparison_dicts_dict = {} # index: comparison_dict for i in range(len(low_energy_defects[defect])): # use _initial_ list count # rather than iterating directly over list, as this will # result in unwanted repetition because we append to # this list if new structure found struct_comparison_dict = analysis.calculate_struct_comparison( {"Ground State": gs_struct}, metric="disp", ref_structure=low_energy_defects[defect][i]["structures"][ 0 ], # just select the first structure in # each list as these structures have already been # found to match stol=stol, min_dist=min_dist, verbose=verbose, ) comparison_dicts_dict[i] = struct_comparison_dict matching_distortion_dict = { index: struct_comparison_dict for index, struct_comparison_dict in comparison_dicts_dict.items() if struct_comparison_dict["Ground State"] == 0 } if matching_distortion_dict: # if it matches _any_ other distortion index = next(iter(matching_distortion_dict.keys())) # should only be one if charge not in low_energy_defects[defect][index]["charges"]: # only print message if charge state not already stored (this can happen when using # the --metastable option with small noise in the energies) formatted_charges = [ f"{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}" for charge in low_energy_defects[defect][index]["charges"] ] print( f"Low-energy distorted structure for {defect_species} already found with charge states " f"{formatted_charges}, storing together." ) # Store together the info of all distortions leading to the same structure for property, value in zip( ["charges", "structures", "energy_diffs", "bond_distortions"], [charge, gs_struct, energy_diff, gs_distortion], ): low_energy_defects[defect][index][property].append(value) else: # only add to list if it doesn't match _any_ of the other distortions and the # structure was not previously found, then add it to the list of distortions for this # defect print( f"New (according to structure matching) low-energy distorted structure found for" f" {defect_species}, adding to low_energy_defects['{defect}'] list." ) low_energy_defects[defect].append( { "charges": [charge], "structures": [gs_struct], "energy_diffs": [energy_diff], "bond_distortions": [gs_distortion], "excluded_charges": set(), } ) return low_energy_defects def _prune_dict_across_charges( low_energy_defects: dict, defect_pruning_dict: dict, code: str = "VASP", structure_filename: str = "CONTCAR", output_path: str = ".", stol: float = 0.5, min_dist: float = 0.2, verbose: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Screen through defects to check if any lower-energy distorted structures were already found with/without bond distortions for other charge states (i.e. found but higher energy, found but also with unperturbed, found but with energy lowering less than min_e_diff etc). Args: low_energy_defects (dict): Dictionary storing all unique, energy-lowering distortions. defect_pruning_dict (dict): Dictionary with defects and charge states to analyse. output_path (:obj:`str`):: Path to directory with your distorted defect calculations (need CONTCAR files for structure matching) and distortion_metadata.json. (Default is current directory = "./") code (:obj:`str`, optional): Code used for the geometry relaxations. Supported code names are: "vasp", "espresso", "cp2k" and "fhi-aims" (case insensitive). (Default: "vasp") structure_filename (:obj:`str`, optional): Name of the file containing the structure. (Default: CONTCAR) stol (:obj:`float`): Site-matching tolerance for structure matching. Site tolerance defined as the fraction of the average free length per atom := ( V / Nsites ) ** (1/3). (Default: 0.5) min_dist (:obj:`float`): Minimum atomic displacement threshold between structures, in order to consider them not matching (in Å, default = 0.2 Å). verbose (:obj:`bool`): Whether to print verbose information about parsed defect structures for energy-lowering distortions, if found. (Default: True) Returns: :obj:`dict` """ for defect, distortion_list in low_energy_defects.items(): for distortion_dict in distortion_list: for charge in list(set(defect_pruning_dict[defect]) - set(distortion_dict["charges"])): imported_groundstates = [ gs_distortion for gs_distortion in distortion_dict["bond_distortions"] if isinstance(gs_distortion, str) and "_from_" in gs_distortion ] orig_charges_from_imported_groundstates = [ int(gs_distortion.split("_from_")[-1]) for gs_distortion in imported_groundstates ] # skip if groundstate is from an imported distortion, from this charge state if charge in orig_charges_from_imported_groundstates: continue # charges in defect_pruning_dict that aren't already in this distortion entry defect_species_snb_name = f"{defect}_{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}" for i in ["+", "", "+"]: # back to SnB name with "+" if all fail defect_species = defect_species_snb_name.replace("+", i) # try with and without '+' comparison_results = compare_struct_to_distortions( distortion_dict["structures"][0], defect_species, output_path, code=code, structure_filename=structure_filename, stol=stol, min_dist=min_dist, verbose=verbose, ) if comparison_results[0] is not None: break if comparison_results[0]: # structure found in distortion tests for this charge state. # Add it to the list to avoid redundant work print( f"Ground-state structure found for {defect} with charges " f"{distortion_dict['charges']} has also been found for charge state " f"{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge} (according to structure matching). Adding " f"this charge to the corresponding entry in low_energy_defects[{defect}]." ) for property, value in zip( ["charges", "structures", "energy_diffs", "bond_distortions"], [ charge, comparison_results[1], comparison_results[2], comparison_results[3], ], ): distortion_dict[property].append(copy.deepcopy(value)) elif comparison_results[0] is False: distortion_dict["excluded_charges"].add(charge) elif comparison_results[0] is None: print( f"Problem parsing structures for {defect_species}. This species will be skipped " f"and will not be included in low_energy_defects (check relaxation folders with " f"CONTCARs are present)." ) return low_energy_defects
[docs] def get_energy_lowering_distortions( defect_charges_dict: Optional[dict] = None, output_path: str = ".", code: str = "vasp", structure_filename: str = "CONTCAR", min_e_diff: float = 0.05, stol: float = 0.5, min_dist: float = 0.2, verbose: bool = False, write_input_files: bool = False, metastable: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Convenience function to identify defect species undergoing energy-lowering distortions. Useful for then testing these distorted structures for the other charge states of that defect. Considers all identified energy-lowering distortions for each defect in each charge state, and screens out duplicate distorted structures found for multiple charge states. Args: defect_charges_dict (:obj:`dict`, optional): Dictionary matching defect name(s) to list(s) of their charge states. (e.g {"Int_Sb_1":[0,+1,+2]} etc). If not specified, all defects present in `output_path` will be parsed. (Default: None) output_path (:obj:`str`): Path to directory with your distorted defect calculations (need code output/structure files for structure matching) and distortion_metadata.json. (Default is current directory = "./") code (:obj:`str`, optional): Code used for the geometry relaxations. Supported code names are: "vasp", "espresso", "cp2k" and "fhi-aims" (case insensitive). (Default: "vasp") structure_filename (:obj:`str`, optional): Name of the file containing the structure. (Default: CONTCAR) min_e_diff (:obj: `float`): Minimum energy difference (in eV) between the ground-state defect structure, relative to the `Unperturbed` structure, to consider it as having found a new energy-lowering distortion. Default is 0.05 eV. stol (:obj:`float`): Site-matching tolerance for structure matching. Site tolerance defined as the fraction of the average free length per atom := ( V / Nsites ) ** (1/3). (Default: 0.5) min_dist (:obj:`float`): Minimum atomic displacement threshold between structures, in order to consider them not matching (in Å, default = 0.2 Å). verbose (:obj:`bool`): Whether to print verbose information about parsed defect structures for energy-lowering distortions, if found. (Default: True) write_input_files (:obj:`bool`): Whether to write input files for the identified distortions (Default: False) metastable (:obj:`bool`): Whether to also store non-spontaneous _metastable_ energy-lowering distortions, as these can become ground-state distortions for other charge states. (Default: False) Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary of defects for which bond distortion found an energy-lowering distortion (which is missed with normal unperturbed relaxation), of the form {defect: [list of distortion dictionaries (with corresponding charge states, energy lowering, distortion factors, structures and charge states for which these structures weren't found)]}. """ if not os.path.isdir(output_path): # check if output_path exists raise FileNotFoundError(f"Path {output_path} does not exist!") low_energy_defects = {} # Dict of defects undergoing energy-lowering distortions, # relative to unperturbed structure # Maps each defect_name to a tuple of favourable distortions: # low_energy_defects[defect] = ( # { # "charges": [charge], # "structures": [gs_struct], # "energy_diffs": [energy_diff], # "bond_distortions": [gs_distortion], # "excluded_charges": set(), # }, # Dict with info for one of the favourable distortions # ... # ) if not defect_charges_dict: # defect_charges_dict maps defect_name to list of charge states defect_charges_dict = read_defects_directories(output_path=output_path) defect_pruning_dict = copy.deepcopy(defect_charges_dict) # defects and charge states to analyse # later comparison and pruning against other charge states for defect in defect_charges_dict: print(f"\n{defect}") defect_pruning_dict[defect] = [] for charge in defect_charges_dict[defect]: defect_pruning_dict[defect].append(charge) defect_species = f"{defect}_{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}" if verbose: print(f"Parsing {defect_species}...") energies_file = f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{defect_species}.yaml" with warnings.catch_warnings(): if os.path.exists(energies_file) or os.path.exists(energies_file.replace("+", "")): # ignore parsing warnings in case energies already parsed and output files deleted, # _only_ if energies file already exists warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning) energies_file = io.parse_energies(defect_species, output_path, code, verbose=verbose) defect_species = energies_file.rsplit("/", 1)[-1].replace( ".yaml", "" ) # in case '+' removed energies_dict, energy_diff, gs_distortion = analysis._sort_data( energies_file, min_e_diff=min_e_diff, verbose=True, # always print energy_diff ) # Defect without data if energies_dict is None: print( f"No data parsed for {defect_species}. This species will be skipped and will not be " f"included in the low_energy_defects charge state lists (and so energy lowering " f"distortions found for other charge states will not be applied for this species)." ) defect_pruning_dict[defect].remove(charge) elif ( # Parse only ground state distortion for each charge state energy_diff and float(energy_diff) < -min_e_diff and not metastable ): # if a significant energy drop occurred, then store this distorted defect bond_distortion = analysis._get_distortion_filename(gs_distortion) # format distortion label to the one used in file name # (e.g. from 0.1 to Bond_Distortion_10.0%) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: gs_struct = io.parse_structure( code=code, structure_path=f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{bond_distortion}", structure_filename=structure_filename, ) # get the final structure of the # energy lowering distortion if any(warning.category == UserWarning for warning in w): # problem parsing structure, user will have received appropriate # warning from io.read_vasp_structure() print( f"Problem parsing final, low-energy structure for {gs_distortion} bond " f"distortion of {defect_species} at {output_path}/{defect_species}" f"/{bond_distortion}/{structure_filename}. This species will be skipped and " f"will not be included in low_energy_defects (check relaxation calculation " f"and folder)." ) defect_pruning_dict[defect].remove(charge) continue if ( defect in low_energy_defects ): # Check if the lower-energy distorted structure was already # found with bond distortions for a different charge state # of this defect low_energy_defects = _compare_distortion( defect=defect, defect_species=defect_species, charge=charge, energy_diff=energy_diff, gs_distortion=gs_distortion, gs_struct=gs_struct, low_energy_defects=low_energy_defects, stol=stol, min_dist=min_dist, verbose=verbose, ) else: # if defect not in dict, add it print( f"Energy lowering distortion found for {defect} with charge " f"{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}. Adding to low_energy_defects dictionary." ) low_energy_defects[defect] = [ { "charges": [charge], "structures": [gs_struct], "energy_diffs": [energy_diff], "bond_distortions": [gs_distortion], "excluded_charges": set(), } ] # Parse all energy-lowering distortions (ground-state and metastable): elif metastable and energy_diff and float(energy_diff) < -min_e_diff: fav_energies_dict = { # favourable distortions "distortions": { key: round(value - energies_dict["Unperturbed"], 2) for key, value in energies_dict["distortions"].items() if value - energies_dict["Unperturbed"] < -min_e_diff } } # Get unique distortions # Discard the ones with similar energies to other distortions unique_distortions = { # energy_diff: unique_distortion value: key for key, value in fav_energies_dict["distortions"].items() if value in set(fav_energies_dict["distortions"].values()) } for energy_diff, distortion in unique_distortions.items(): # for each unique distortion, get the corresponding # structure bond_distortion = analysis._get_distortion_filename(distortion) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: struct = io.parse_structure( code=code, structure_path=f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{bond_distortion}", structure_filename=structure_filename, ) if any(warning.category == UserWarning for warning in w): # problem parsing structure, user will have received appropriate # warning from io.read_vasp_structure() print( f"Problem parsing final, low-energy structure for {gs_distortion} bond " f"distortion of {defect_species} at {output_path}/{defect_species}" f"/{bond_distortion}/{structure_filename}. This species will be skipped " f"and will not be included in low_energy_defects (check relaxation " f"calculation and folder)." ) defect_pruning_dict[defect].remove(charge) continue if ( defect in low_energy_defects ): # Check if the lower-energy distorted structure was already # found with bond distortions for a different charge state # of this defect low_energy_defects = _compare_distortion( defect=defect, defect_species=defect_species, charge=charge, energy_diff=energy_diff, gs_distortion=distortion, gs_struct=struct, low_energy_defects=low_energy_defects, stol=stol, min_dist=min_dist, verbose=verbose, ) else: # if defect not in dict, add it print( f"Energy lowering distortion found for {defect} with charge " f"{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}. Adding to low_energy_defects " f"dictionary." ) low_energy_defects[defect] = [ { "charges": [charge], "structures": [struct], "energy_diffs": [energy_diff], "bond_distortions": [distortion], "excluded_charges": set(), } ] # warning if all rattled distortions are higher energy than unperturbed elif gs_distortion == "Unperturbed" and all( value - energies_dict["Unperturbed"] > 0.1 for value in energies_dict["distortions"].values() ): warnings.warn( f"All distortions for {defect} with charge {'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge} are " f">0.1 eV higher energy than unperturbed, indicating problems with the relaxations. " f"You should first check if the calculations finished ok for this defect species and " f"if this defect charge state is reasonable (often this is the result of an " f"unreasonable charge state). If both checks pass, you likely need to adjust the " f"`stdev` rattling parameter (can occur for hard/ionic/magnetic materials); see " f"" f"\nThis often indicates a complex PES with multiple minima, thus energy-lowering " f"distortions particularly likely, so important to test with reduced `stdev`!" ) else: print( f"No energy lowering distortion with energy difference greater than min_e_diff = " f"{min_e_diff:.2f} eV found for {defect} with charge " f"{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}." ) # Screen through defects to check if any lower-energy distorted structures were already found # with/without bond distortions for other charge states (i.e. found but higher energy, found but # also with unperturbed, found but with energy lowering less than min_e_diff etc) if low_energy_defects: print("\nComparing and pruning defect structures across charge states...") low_energy_defects = _prune_dict_across_charges( low_energy_defects=low_energy_defects, defect_pruning_dict=defect_pruning_dict, code=code, structure_filename=structure_filename, output_path=output_path, stol=stol, min_dist=min_dist, ) # Write input files for the identified distortions if write_input_files: write_retest_inputs( low_energy_defects=low_energy_defects, output_path=output_path, code=code, ) return low_energy_defects
[docs] def compare_struct_to_distortions( distorted_struct: Structure, defect_species: str, output_path: str = ".", code: str = "vasp", structure_filename: str = "CONTCAR", stol: float = 0.5, min_dist: float = 0.2, verbose: bool = False, ) -> tuple: """ Compares the ground-state structure found for a certain defect charge state with all relaxed bond-distorted structures for `defect_species`, to avoid redundant work (testing this distorted structure for other charge states when it has already been found for them). Args: distorted_struct (:obj:`~pymatgen.core.structure.Structure`): Structure of ground-state distorted defect defect_species (:obj:`str`): Defect name including charge (e.g. 'vac_1_Cd_0') output_path (:obj:`str`): Path to directory with your distorted defect calculations (to calculate structure comparisons -- needs code output/structure files to parse the structures). (Default is current directory = "./") code (:obj:`str`, optional): Code used for the geometry relaxations. Options include: "vasp", "cp2k", "espresso", "castep", "fhi-aims" (case insensitive). (Default: "vasp") structure_filename (:obj:`str`, optional): Name of the file containing the structure. (Default: CONTCAR) stol (:obj:`float`): Site-matching tolerance for structure matching. Site tolerance defined as thefraction of the average free length per atom := ( V / Nsites ) ** (1/3). (Default: 0.5) min_dist (:obj:`float`): Minimum atomic displacement threshold between structures, in orderto consider them not matching (in Å, default = 0.2 Å). verbose (:obj:`bool`): Whether to print information message about structures being compared. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: (True/False/None, matching structure, energy difference of the matching structure compared to its unperturbed reference, bond distortion of the matching structure). True if a match is found between the input structure and the relaxed bond-distorted structures for `defect_species`, False if no match, None if no converged structures found for defect_species. """ try: defect_structures_dict = analysis.get_structures( defect_species=defect_species, output_path=output_path, code=code, structure_filename=structure_filename, ) except FileNotFoundError: # catch exception raised by `analysis.get_structures()` return None, None, None, None defect_energies_dict = analysis.get_energies( defect_species=defect_species, output_path=output_path, verbose=False ) # Compare distorted_struct to all structures of defect_species struct_comparison_df = analysis.compare_structures( defect_structures_dict=defect_structures_dict, defect_energies_dict=defect_energies_dict, ref_structure=distorted_struct, stol=stol, min_dist=min_dist, display_df=False, verbose=verbose, ) if struct_comparison_df is None: # no converged structures found for # defect_species return None, None, None, None matching_sub_df = struct_comparison_df[ struct_comparison_df[{Displacements} (Å)"] == 0 ] # Get matches (sum of atomic disp between structures would be 0) if not matching_sub_df.empty: # if there are any matches unperturbed_df = matching_sub_df[ matching_sub_df["Bond Distortion"] == "Unperturbed" # if present, otherwise empty ] rattled_df = matching_sub_df[ matching_sub_df["Bond Distortion"].apply(lambda x: "Rattled" in str(x)) ] # if present, otherwise empty dimer_df = matching_sub_df[ matching_sub_df["Bond Distortion"].apply(lambda x: "Dimer" in str(x)) ] # if present, otherwise empty sorted_distorted_df = matching_sub_df[ matching_sub_df["Bond Distortion"].apply( lambda x: isinstance(x, float) ) # if present, otherwise empty ].sort_values( by="Bond Distortion", key=abs ) # sort values by distortion magnitude string_vals_sorted_distorted_df = matching_sub_df[ matching_sub_df["Bond Distortion"].apply(lambda x: isinstance(x, str)) ] imported_sorted_distorted_df = string_vals_sorted_distorted_df[ string_vals_sorted_distorted_df["Bond Distortion"].apply(lambda x: "_from_" in x) ] imported_sorted_distorted_float_df = imported_sorted_distorted_df.copy() if not imported_sorted_distorted_float_df.empty: # convert "X%_from_Y" strings to floats and then sort # needs to be done this way because 'key' in pd.sort_values() # needs to be vectorised... # if '%' in key then convert to float, else convert to 0 (for Rattled or Unperturbed) imported_sorted_distorted_float_df["Bond Distortion"] = imported_sorted_distorted_df[ "Bond Distortion" ].apply(lambda x: float(x.split("%")[0]) / 100 if "%" in x else 0.0) imported_sorted_distorted_float_df = imported_sorted_distorted_float_df.sort_values( by="Bond Distortion", key=abs ) # first unperturbed, then rattled, then dimer, then distortions sorted by # initial distortion magnitude from low to high (if present) sorted_matching_df = pd.concat( [ unperturbed_df.dropna(axis=1, how="all"), rattled_df.dropna(axis=1, how="all"), dimer_df.dropna(axis=1, how="all"), sorted_distorted_df.dropna(axis=1, how="all"), imported_sorted_distorted_float_df.dropna(axis=1, how="all"), ] ) struc_key = sorted_matching_df["Bond Distortion"].iloc[0] # first matching structure if struc_key == "Unperturbed": return ( # T/F, matching structure, energy_diff, distortion factor True, defect_structures_dict[struc_key], defect_energies_dict[struc_key], struc_key, ) # check if struc_key is in defect_structures_dict (corresponding to match in # unperturbed_df, rattled_df or sorted_distorted_df but not # imported_sorted_distorted_df # as keys have been reformatted to floats rather than strings for this) if struc_key in defect_structures_dict: return ( # T/F, matching structure, energy_diff, distortion factor True, defect_structures_dict[struc_key], defect_energies_dict["distortions"][struc_key], struc_key, ) # else struc_key corresponds to reformatted float-from-string from imported distortion struc_key = imported_sorted_distorted_df["Bond Distortion"].iloc[0] # first matching structure return ( # T/F, matching structure, energy_diff, distortion factor True, defect_structures_dict[struc_key], defect_energies_dict["distortions"][struc_key], struc_key, ) # no matches return ( False, None, None, None, ) # T/F, matching structure, energy_diff, distortion factor
[docs] def write_retest_inputs( low_energy_defects: dict, output_path: str = ".", code: str = "vasp", input_filename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Create folders with relaxation input files for testing the low-energy distorted defect structures found for other charge states of that defect, as identified with `get_energy_lowering_distortions()`. Args: low_energy_defects (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary of defects for which bond distortion found an energy-lowering distortion which is missed with normal unperturbed relaxation), generated by `get_energy_lowering_distortions()`. Has the form {defect: [list of distortion dictionaries (with corresponding charge states, energy lowering, distortion factors, structures and charge states for which these structures weren't found)]}. output_path (:obj:`str`): Path to directory with your distorted defect calculations (to write input files for distorted defect structures to test). (Default is current directory = "./") code (:obj:`str`): Code used for the geometry relaxations. The supported codes include "vasp", "cp2k", "espresso", "castep" and "fhi-aims" (case insensitive). (Default: "vasp") input_filename (:obj:`str`): Name of the code input file if different from `ShakeNBreak` default. Only applies to CP2K, Quantum Espresso, CASTEP and FHI-aims. If not specified, `ShakeNBreak` default name is assumed, that is: for Quantum Espresso: "espresso.pwi", CP2K: "cp2k_input.inp", CASTEP: "castep.param", FHI-aims: "" (Default: None) Returns: None """ for defect, distortion_list in low_energy_defects.items(): for distortion_dict in distortion_list: for charge in distortion_dict[ "excluded_charges" ]: # charges for which this distortion wasn't found defect_species = f"{defect}_{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}" if not os.path.isdir( # change to old naming if this folder exists f"{output_path}/{defect_species}" ) and os.path.isdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species.replace('+', '')}"): defect_species = defect_species.replace("+", "") distorted_charge = distortion_dict["charges"][ 0 ] # first charge state for which this distortion was found distorted_structure = distortion_dict["structures"][ 0 ] # first structure for which this distortion was found distorted_distortion = distortion_dict["bond_distortions"][ 0 ] # first bond distortion for which this distortion was found distorted_dir = _format_distortion_directory_name( distorted_distortion=distorted_distortion, distorted_charge=distorted_charge, output_path=output_path, defect_species=defect_species, ) # Format distoriton directory name if os.path.exists(distorted_dir): print( f"As {distorted_dir} already exists, it's assumed this structure has already " f"been tested. Skipping..." ) continue print(f"Writing low-energy distorted structure to {distorted_dir}") if not os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}"): print(f"Directory {output_path}/{defect_species} not found, creating...") os.mkdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}") os.mkdir(distorted_dir) # copy input files from Unperturbed directory if code.lower() == "vasp": _copy_vasp_files( distorted_structure, distorted_dir, output_path, defect_species, ) elif code.lower() == "espresso": _copy_espresso_files( distorted_structure, distorted_dir, output_path, defect_species, input_filename, ) elif code.lower() == "cp2k": _copy_cp2k_files( distorted_structure, distorted_dir, output_path, defect_species, input_filename, ) elif code.lower() == "castep": _copy_castep_files( distorted_structure, distorted_dir, output_path, defect_species, input_filename, ) elif code.lower() == "fhi-aims": _copy_fhi_aims_files( distorted_structure, distorted_dir, output_path, defect_species, input_filename, )
def _copy_vasp_files( distorted_structure: Structure, distorted_dir: str, output_path: str, defect_species: str, ) -> None: """ Copy VASP input files from an existing distortion directory to a new directory. """"poscar", filename=f"{distorted_dir}/POSCAR") for i in ["INCAR", "KPOINTS", "POTCAR"]: if os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{i}"): shutil.copyfile( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{i}", f"{distorted_dir}/{i}", ) # copy input files from Unperturbed directory file_dict = { filename: os.path.exists(f"{distorted_dir}/{filename}") for filename in ["INCAR", "KPOINTS", "POTCAR"] } if not all(file_dict.values()): # try other distortion directories for subfolder in os.listdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}"): for filename in ["INCAR", "KPOINTS", "POTCAR"]: if ( os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolder}/{filename}") and not file_dict[filename] ): shutil.copyfile( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolder}/{filename}", f"{distorted_dir}/{filename}", ) if not all(file_dict.values()): warnings.warn( f"Subfolders with VASP input files ({[k for k,v in file_dict.items() if not v]} not found in " f"{output_path}/{defect_species}, so just writing distorted POSCAR file" f"{f' and {[k for k,v in file_dict.items() if v]}' if any(file_dict.values()) else ''} to " f"{distorted_dir} directory." ) def _copy_espresso_files( distorted_structure: Structure, distorted_dir: str, output_path: str, defect_species: str, input_filename: str = "espresso.pwi", ) -> None: """ Copy Quantum Espresso input files from an existing distortion directory to a new directory. """ if not input_filename: input_filename = "espresso.pwi" if os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{input_filename}"): # Parse input parameters from file and update structural info with # new distorted structure # ase/pymatgen dont support this with open(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{input_filename}") as f: params = # Read input parameters # Write distorted structure in QE format, to then update input file atoms = aaa.get_atoms(distorted_structure) ase_write( filename=f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", images=atoms, format="espresso-in", ) with open(f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}") as f: new_struct = params = params.replace( params[params.find("ATOMIC_POSITIONS") :], new_struct[new_struct.find("ATOMIC_POSITIONS") :], 1, ) # Replace ionic positions with open(f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", "w") as f: f.write(params) else: subfolders_with_input_files = [] for subfolder in os.listdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}"): if os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolder}/{input_filename}"): subfolders_with_input_files.append(subfolder) break if len(subfolders_with_input_files) > 0: with open( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolders_with_input_files[0]}/{input_filename}" ) as f: params = # Read input parameters # Write distorted structure in QE format, to then update input file atoms = aaa.get_atoms(distorted_structure) ase_write( filename=f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", images=atoms, format="espresso-in", ) with open(f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}") as f: new_struct = params = params.replace( params[params.find("ATOMIC_POSITIONS") :], new_struct[new_struct.find("ATOMIC_POSITIONS") :], 1, ) # Replace lines with the ionic positions with open(f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", "w") as f: f.write(params) else: # only write input structure print( f"No subfolders with Quantum Espresso input file (`{input_filename}`) " f"found in {output_path}/{defect_species}, so just writing " f"distorted structure file to {distorted_dir} directory." ) atoms = aaa.get_atoms(distorted_structure) ase_write( filename=f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", images=atoms, format="espresso-in", ) def _copy_cp2k_files( distorted_structure: Structure, distorted_dir: str, output_path: str, defect_species: str, input_filename: str = "cp2k_input.inp", ) -> None: """ Copy CP2K input files from an existing distortion directory to a new directory. """ if not input_filename: input_filename = "cp2k_input.inp""cif", filename=f"{distorted_dir}/structure.cif") if os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{input_filename}"): shutil.copyfile( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{input_filename}", f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", ) else: # Check of input file present in the other distortion subfolders subfolders_with_input_files = [] for subfolder in os.listdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}"): if os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolder}/{input_filename}"): subfolders_with_input_files.append(subfolder) break if len(subfolders_with_input_files) > 0: shutil.copyfile( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolders_with_input_files[0]}/{input_filename}", f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", ) else: # only write input structure print( f"No subfolders with CP2K input file (`cp2k_input.inp`) " f"found in {output_path}/{defect_species}, so just writing " f"distorted structure file to {distorted_dir} directory " f"(in CIF format)." ) def _copy_castep_files( distorted_structure: Structure, distorted_dir: str, output_path: str, defect_species: str, input_filename: str = "castep.param", ) -> None: """ Copy CASTEP input files from an existing distortion directory to a new directory. """ if not input_filename: input_filename = "castep.param" atoms = aaa.get_atoms(distorted_structure) ase_write( filename=f"{distorted_dir}/castep.cell", images=atoms, format="castep-cell" ) # Write structure if os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{input_filename}"): shutil.copyfile( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{input_filename}", f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", ) else: # Check of input file present in the other distortion subfolders subfolders_with_input_files = [] for subfolder in os.listdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}"): if os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolder}/{input_filename}"): subfolders_with_input_files.append(subfolder) break if len(subfolders_with_input_files) > 0: shutil.copyfile( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolders_with_input_files[0]}/{input_filename}", f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", ) else: # only write input structure print( f"No subfolders with CASTEP input file (`{input_filename}`) found in {output_path}" f"/{defect_species}, so just writing distorted structure file to {distorted_dir} " f"directory (in CASTEP `.cell` format)." ) def _copy_fhi_aims_files( distorted_structure: Structure, distorted_dir: str, output_path: str, defect_species: str, input_filename: str = "", ) -> None: """ Copy FHI-aims input files from an existing distortion directory to a new directory. """ if not input_filename: input_filename = "" atoms = aaa.get_atoms(distorted_structure) ase_write( filename=f"{distorted_dir}/", images=atoms, format="aims", ) # write input structure file if os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{input_filename}"): shutil.copyfile( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/Unperturbed/{input_filename}", f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", ) else: # Check of input file present in the other distortion subfolders subfolders_with_input_files = [] for subfolder in os.listdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}"): if os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolder}/{input_filename}"): subfolders_with_input_files.append(subfolder) break if len(subfolders_with_input_files) > 0: shutil.copyfile( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{subfolders_with_input_files[0]}/{input_filename}", f"{distorted_dir}/{input_filename}", ) else: # only write input structure print( f"No subfolders with FHI-aims input file (`{input_filename}`) " f"found in {output_path}/{defect_species}, so just writing " f"distorted structure file to {distorted_dir} directory (in " f"FHI-aims `` format)." )
[docs] def write_groundstate_structure( all: bool = True, output_path: str = ".", groundstate_folder: Optional[str] = None, groundstate_filename: str = "groundstate_POSCAR", structure_filename: str = "CONTCAR", verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Writes the groundstate structure of each defect (if `all=True`, default) to the corresponding defect folder, with an optional name (default "groundstate_POSCAR"), to then run continuation calculations. Args: all (:obj:`bool`): Write groundstate structures for all defect folders in the (top-level) directory, specified by `output_path`. If False, `output_path` should be a single defect folder, for which the groundstate structure will be written. output_path (:obj:`str`): Path to top-level directory with your distorted defect calculation folders (if `all=True`, else path to single defect folder)(need CONTCAR files for structure matching) and distortion_metadata.json. (Default: current directory = "./") groundstate_folder (:obj:`str`): Name of the directory to write the groundstate structure to. (Default: None (ground state structure is written to the root defect directory)) groundstate_filename (:obj:`str`): Name of the file to write the groundstate structure to. (Default: "groundstate_POSCAR") structure_filename (:obj:`str`): Name of the file to read the structure from. (Default: "CONTCAR") verbose (:obj:`bool`): Whether to print additional information about the generated folders. Returns: None """ def _write_single_groundstate( output_path, defect_species, groundstate_folder, groundstate_filename, structure_filename, verbose, ): if verbose: print(f"Parsing {defect_species}...") energies_file = f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{defect_species}.yaml" with warnings.catch_warnings(): if os.path.exists(energies_file) or os.path.exists(energies_file.replace("+", "")): # ignore parsing warnings in case energies already parsed and output files deleted, # _only_ if energies file already exists warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning) energies_file = io.parse_energies(defect_species, output_path, verbose=verbose) defect_species = energies_file.rsplit("/", 1)[-1].replace(".yaml", "") # in case '+' removed if energies_file is None: warnings.warn( f"Energies file {energies_file} could not be parsed for {defect_species}, skipping this " f"defect species" ) return # Get ground state distortion _, _, gs_distortion = analysis._sort_data(energies_file=energies_file, verbose=False) bond_distortion = analysis._get_distortion_filename(gs_distortion) # Origin path origin_path = f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{bond_distortion}/{structure_filename}" if not os.path.exists(origin_path): raise FileNotFoundError( f"The structure file {structure_filename} is not present in the directory " f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{bond_distortion}" ) # Destination path if groundstate_folder: if not os.path.exists(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{groundstate_folder}"): os.mkdir(f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{groundstate_folder}") destination_path = os.path.join( f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/", f"{groundstate_folder}/{groundstate_filename}", ) if verbose: print( f"{defect_species}: Ground state structure (found with {gs_distortion} distortion) " f"saved to {destination_path}" ) else: destination_path = f"{output_path}/{defect_species}/{groundstate_filename}" shutil.copyfile( origin_path, destination_path, ) if all: defect_charges_dict = read_defects_directories(output_path=output_path) if len(defect_charges_dict) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( f"No folders with valid defect names (should end with charge e.g. 'vac_1_Cd_-2') " f"found in output_path: '{os.path.abspath(output_path)}'. Please check the path " f"and try again." ) for defect, charges in defect_charges_dict.items(): for charge in charges: _write_single_groundstate( output_path=output_path, defect_species=f"{defect}_{'+' if charge > 0 else ''}{charge}", groundstate_folder=groundstate_folder, groundstate_filename=groundstate_filename, structure_filename=structure_filename, verbose=verbose, ) else: species = output_path.split("/")[-1] output_path = output_path.rsplit("/", 1)[0] _write_single_groundstate( output_path=output_path, defect_species=species, groundstate_folder=groundstate_folder, groundstate_filename=groundstate_filename, structure_filename=structure_filename, verbose=verbose, )